Holiday Breads Recipe Testing

Profile picture for user pmccool

A couple of weekends ago, I was doing some test bakes to finalize recipes for a class that I will teach in December.

First up, Julekake, glossy with egg wash:

And the Julekake crumb:

And it tastes even better than it looks, what with the fruit and cardamom flavors.

And some Sweet Vanilla Challah, which I've posted about previously.  While not specifically a holiday bread, its turban shape and vanilla flavor make it a natural for any festive meal:



Se il sapore del tuo Julekake è buono per quanto è bello il tuo risultato, vorrei essere la prima fortunata a poterlo assaggiare. 

Complimenti e grazie della tua condivisione.

Anna G.

I looked it up but should have guessed with the cardamom in it that it was a Scandinavian Holiday bread :-)  Learn something new here every day.  Yours looks especially tempting with that beautiful egg wash!

The snail shaped challah gets a little more Holiday festive with sultanas in it.  Well done, good luck with the class and

Happy baking.

Those Scandinavians have a way with breads.  My mother made something like this back when I was a kid but I had no idea where it may have originated from.  I'm not sure that she did, either.  It's one of those flavor combinations that really locks into the memory and in a good way.


I'm tickled that the bread traveled far beyond its homeland; it's too good to keep bottled up in one location.  And it is a bread, albeit an enriched bread, rather than a brioche.


Profile picture for user Kiseger

Oh yum yum yum, warm with butter!  Julekake is one of Norway's many delicious foods, the cardamom really stands out.  Jule means yule, as in yuletide and this is a perfect Christmas bread....  Beautiful Paul, also love your turban shape challah.  Great bakes!

I would love to try a bread with cardamom, my favorite spice. 

Well done!