Whole Wheat Sour


I often ask for requests but seldom get one.  "Oh whatever you want to make" is the most common.  This time around the lovely lady requested a Sour Wheat bread.  I was thrilled.  I decided I'd build a new formula just for this/her.  And since I'm so happy with the results I thought I'd share.  A note on how my spreadsheet functions.  The
Green row is for Pre ferment 1 and the Red Row is for Pre Ferment 2.  This is the flour it will pull from accounting for the flour in the seed culture.  You may need to adjust slightly to your cultures specs.  I also used all Freshly Milled grains.








Looks great.

I tried a 50% whole wheat sourdough last weekend around 83% hydration and ... well, I'm still not there yet. It tasted great, but I just could not handle it.  Yours look great though.

Thanks Floyd.  

When you say you couldn't handle it are you being literal?  Like the dough was too difficult to work with?  


Yeah, pretty much. Despite all the folding and flour on the counter, couche, and my hands, it still stuck all over the place and came out ugly as sin. Delicious flavour, just too high a hydration for me to work with comfortably.

The batch last weekend, no, I wasn't milling it myself, just had been reading Tartine and seeing that all his doughs weigh in around 85% hydration. So I decided to give something similar a shot.

My notes look like:


20g ripe levain

100g water

100g rye flour


400g water

300g bread flour

200g ww flour 

Those sat out overnight, then in the AM I combined it all with:

12g salt mixed with 10g water

It was such a puddle here that I added 50g more AP flour, bringing it down from around 83% to 77% or so.

I stretched and folded a 4-5 times over the next few hours (didn't keep exact notes... I was working).  I tried to divide and shape about 3 in the afternoon, baked at around 5.

The very long autolyse may be causing your problems here..  A 12 hour autolyse is gonna make for a very loose dough that may be excessive with enzyme activity.  If it really works for your schedule I'd suggest salting it to slow the enzymes and keep it in check.    

Also your dough is actually 16.5% rye 33% Wheat which is very different than 50% Wheat.  If you switched this to Whole Wheat as well you'd find the dough much easier to handle.  Maybe keep just a touch of rye in there.  



I'm actually curious about the long retard you use, if that helps it hold its shape any. My impression is that colder dough tends to feel a bit tighter.

of WW bread.  Looks great inside and out.  Did you do anything extra or different for a more sour WW?

Happy Baking

I used a longer build than I have been (12 hours) All Fresh Whole Grain and at 100% hydration opposed to a stiff levain. I also increased the levain percentage closer to 30%.  



Sono Rimasta a bocca aperta per lo stupore !!!

La fioritura delle incisioni di e spettacolare ...... la mollica all'interno della Mostra un'alveolatura Irregolare magnifica.

Mi sarebbe piaciuto poterne assaggiare Una fetta, Magari con il mio Olio Extravergine d'Oliva del Nuovo Raccolto di quest'anno .... che peccato, Sei così Lontano .....

Consentimi soltanto Una piccola precisazione: le foto Sono un po 'mosse ed E Un vero peccato.

Il Tuo straordinario riisultato Meriterebbe Una bella cornice, vieni SI Conviene annuncio delle Nazioni Unite Quadro d'autore.

Mi Scuso, Tuo tramite, Con Tutti Coloro Che mi leggono. Scrivo per ora Nella mia lingua madre perchè il mio inglese non E Dei Migliori, ma mi sto impegnando.

Sono bene Accetti Tutti i Consigli Che gentilmente Voi sarete disposti a darmi, Nel Caso Che io combini QUALCHE guaio Nelle mie Pubblicazioni e nia miei commenti.

Grazie a te per la magnifica condivisione ed A TUTTI Voi per la pazienza con la Quale dovrete aiutarmi.

A presto, Anna G.



In reply to by ANNA GIORDANI

Grazie per le gentili parole . Ho usato un traduttore per aiutare m leggere quello che hai scritto . Non è perfetto , ma penso che ho avuto l'essenza di esso . Cin cin Josh

I used to use malted artisan flour and love the results so lately I've been adding it myself ever since I got a bag of Lo Dia Malt from CM. I like the added color and activity it gives to my cold fermented doughs.  I also like it when making short doughs for increased caramelized crusts (rusttuqe, baguettes, ciabatta)


Love the bold crust and that crumb is my idea of perfection, thanks for all the info on your building the levain - interesting as I alternate between keeping mine in thefridge and on the countertop depending on how busy I am.  I'm a big fan of cold rising as well, agree it keeps its shape better when I'm going over 75% hydration.  I am going to give this a go, can you give me some info on your artisan flour please?  I'm in the UK, so will try to approximate something close - what's the protein amount?  I don't mill my own, but have quite a good range of organic flours to chose from - although protein content doesn't always correlate to how the flour performs!  Thanks!

In this particular dough I'm using half Central Milling Baker's Craft (12.5% protein) and 1/2 Central Milling AP (10.5% protein).  I split them to get some balance as the Baker's Craft is CM's distribution to bakeries and the AP is their Costco line.  You are probably gonna want to decrease hydration as well if you won't be using fresh milled grain.  

Look forward to see your results



I'm wondering about the malt you used, as I don't see anything mentioning lo diastatic malt in their product list.  Is it a low enzyme malt?

Are you using the Artisan Baker's Craft or the ABC Plus (malted) flour with that?

Really nice work, BTW


In reply to by bikeprof

The flour is the non malted or non Plus variety.  Hence the addition of malt.  


Oh damn Josh.  How did I miss this one?  This is as perfect as a loaf as this could look.  High % whole wheat loaves being a nemesis of mine, I have great respect for one that can bake one this well.  I will hold this one up as an inspiration to get me through my next battle.


Thanks for the kind words

Give this one a whirl. but if not fresh milled grain I'd back off on hydration a touch.  
