Can anyone recommend a place to buy gear like bannetons, brotforms, and bakers' lames in Toronto, CANADA? I have a few old brotforms, but want to pick up a round one. I've been to Nella Cucina on Bathurst, and all they had were brotforms that were supposedly for proofing baguettes. No lames (currently I'm using a box-cutter). I'm also willing to order, if anyone has good suggestions.
Hi Khadija, you can find bannetons and bakers' lame at The bakers' lame is not very sturdy, I bought the only one type they have and it broke after a few uses.
Try Harvest Corporation in Mississauga ( I have bought all mine there and I live in Toronto.
They are a commercial bakery supply company but have a shop open to the public weekdays. They usual have a wide range of baking supplies including lots o well priced brotforms. However I would call to check their supplies before heading out there.
Hope this helps.
I usually buy lames online
MJ Sourdough
Thanks! I'll check out Harvest Corporation, when I can. I suspected that I'd have to buy the lames online, but wanted to see if anyone else has seen them around.
I'm also in Canada and have bought most of my supplies from - it's not in Canada BUT his prices, including shipping, are less than you'd pay here and shipping is fast.
I think I'll definitely start sourcing some supplies from breadtopia. I like that site and visit it often. It's too bad we can't source more supplies locally, but I guess there aren't enough of us!
Breadtopia is good!
If you also need good Ontario flour check out K2 Milling in Beeton Ontario and CIPM in Hastings Ontario.
Hope this helps
I just placed my order for a lame and a dough whisk with Breadtopia, and they tell me my order is on its way. You're right they're fast.
I am a huge fan of CIPM. I've been in love with red fife wheat for the past five years, and like to get it from them. I also use their rye and spelt. I will check out K2 Milling.
You might want to try getting some flour from the Arva mill. It's near London Ontario. I order a box of flour and it gets delivered to my door the next day most of the time. And the best part is the stamp on each bag tellingme that it was freshly milled (typically) two weeks ago! Great local flour! Buca Restaurant downtown uses 1/2 Arva unbleached white, and 1/2 semolina flour for their mushroom pizza (which I think is one of the top three in the city)!
bread 1965 -