We ground 3 times as much whole grain as we needed for the last bake so that we could test the notion that flour has to age after it is ground if not used in 24 hours. So this bake has the whole grains as the last bake and the same add ins too. The add ins have been hanging out in the fridge for a week.
Still, Lucy couldn’t help herself and made some changes. The YW levain was less pink since it was refreshed with white AP flour from last weeks levain left overs that were hanging out in the fridge all week instead making a new one with equal parts of YW and flour.
Instead of making the SD levain with the milled multigrain flour from last week, we used home milled whole rye to make it. Last weeks bake didn’t have any rye in it at all and to keep the whole grains nearly the same; 50% this week and 55% last week, she thought a little whole rye wouldn’t hurt.
As you can see, this dough was overproofed - hould have baked it straight out of the fridge.
Instead of shaped proofing for 20 hours in the fridge and then letting it proof for 3 hours on the counter for 24 hours total, we did a 21 hour bulk ferment in the fridge and a 12 hour shaped retard too before doing a 1 1/4 hour warm up on the counter before baking for 34 1/4 hours total = 12 hours of cold longer than version 1. Instead of using apricot soaking and coconut water we used potato water for the dough liquid this time.
Instead of baking on a stone with Mega Steam Lucy decided to bake this one on a stone covered with the bottom of the aluminum DO as a cloche. She also shaped this one as a boule and the last one was a wreath. She also put all the poppy and sesame seeds inside this one instead of having some on the out side like the wreath,
But everything else was nearly the same! We did notice some differences though. The wreath hardly proofed at all in the fridge over the first 20 hours and this one more than doubled in volume over the 21 hours of bulk ferment. Why this was the case we don’t know – maybe it was the potato water, rye SD levain and 5% less whole grains?
We did our usual autolyse slap and folds and stretch and folds where the add ins were incorporated just like last time and the temperatures for preheat and baking were the same just like here
Cherry Yeast Water Sourdough Italian Bread with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts
Apple and Plum Galette on a shortcrust pastry.
We left the DO cover on for 20 minutes this time, 5 minutes more steaming time since the dough was stikk cold and the DO is slower to transfer the heat to the dough than the Mega Steam does. In 30 minutes it was done.
The great thing about balking on a stone and covering with the bottom of a dutch ovenas a cloche is that you don’t have to worry about the bottom burning or dumping the bread out of the DO so it doesn’t burn the bottom. This is so much easier I don’t use a DO the standard way any more.
It sprang and bloomed OK, and it did brown up nicely, with small blistering, after the lid came off. It smells terrific. All those grains, fruits, seeds and nuts mix together to make for a very aromatic bread as it bakes. Will have to wait for the lunch time to see how the crumb came out. The crumb came out much more open than version one probably because it wasn't rolled out, cut in strips and twisted twice:-) It is also more soft and moist too ut no sour like version 1 Tastes the same as version one but maybe more earthy with the rye in there. Just delicious. Half of this loaf went to one of my wife's friends right away.
The sky was on fire
Yes! A two person Chicken Pot Pie
Cherry YW / RyeSD Levain | Build 1 | Build 2 | Total | % |
6 Week Retarded Rye Starter | 0 | 8 | 8 | 1.77% |
Whole Rye | 0 | 45 | 45 | 14.33% |
AP Flour | 80 | 0 | 80 | 25.48% |
MG 13% Extraction | 10 | 0 | 10 | 3.18% |
Cherry YW & Water (Build 2) | 90 | 45 | 135 | 42.99% |
Total | 180 | 98 | 278 | 88.54% |
Levain Totals |
| % |
Flour | 139 | 44.27% |
Water | 139 | 44.27% |
Levain Hydration | 100.00% |
Levain % of Total Flour | 30.68% |
Dough Flour |
| % |
87% Extraction Multigrain | 168 | 53.50% |
KA Bread Flour | 146 | 46.50% |
Total Dough Flour | 314 | 100.00% |
Salt | 9 | 1.99% |
Potato Water | 225 | 71.66% |
Dough Hydration | 71.66% |
Total Flour w/ Starter | 453 |
Liquid w/ Starter | 364 |
Hydration with Starter | 80.35% |
Total Weight | 1,018 |
Whole Grain % | 49.23% |
Dried Apricots | 56 | 17.83% | Dry |
Mixed Seeds | 80 | 25.48% |
Hazelnuts & Almonds | 56 | 17.83% |
Total Add Ins | 192 | 61.15% |
Multi whole grain mix is 25 g each: Sonoran White, |
| ||
Kamut, spelt, einkorn, Hayden Farro and Desert Durum. |
| ||
Mixed seeds are 13 G each of poppy, sesame, flax, chia, sunflower | ||||
and pumpkin. Chia seeds soaked in 3 times as much water by weight | ||||
Nuts were equal weight of Almonds and Hazelnuts. |
| ||
Apricots weighted 112 g wet. |
Lucy says not to forget the salad.
- dabrownman's Blog
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and the bake :) My son just texted me and was getting gas in Flagstaff...he is moving to Las Vegas for work in a hospital there and is loving the drive from his former home in Ft Myers FL. A LONG drive. I think he was seeing the same red sky.
I have my starter in the fridge from mid May. I made it VERY stiff with rye flour and covered it with loose flour. Since I got back from by bicycle trip in Aug I have been pinching off pieces and feeding them and they are very happy. It does take several feedings when they are this OLD ..but boy the date/pecan/AYW/whey/sorghum syrup bread I made today was SO good.
Not sure why you and others have trouble with burning in your DO. I have a very old cast iron one and my old Le Creuset and neither one ever burns in the bottom...a puzzle ! Send Lucy to figure it out :)
I need to get some apricots..and if y9u want your assistant to have a road trip I could use her help. caroline
Hey Caroline, I hope you are going to post about your amazing sounding bread! I've never used sorghum syrup in bread but with the combo you have described we all want to hear more about it!
just took a couple pics...belatedly :) will post...it is a riff on your date/nut SD. c
had to be the trip of a lifetime, That SD in the fridge is tough to kill off for sure but i refresh mine every 3 months whether it needs it or not. I moved from Virginia back to Phoenix when i retired and it was just a long a drive back as it was going there :-) Your bread sounds terrific.
My over done bottom only happened once and then i started taking the bread out of the pot 5 minutes after the lid came off. and finish it on the stone - no problem. But this way is just so much easier all the way around no worries getting in a hot pot or getting it out. I use a stainless steel mixing bowl in the mini oven to do the same thing.
Lucy doesn't like riding in cars and nearly has a heart attack each time she goes. She thinks she is going to the groomers or the Vet and freaks out.since she hates them. Since she freaks out, that is the only place she goes in the car and is right to be very afraid being trapped in a self fulfilling catch 22,
Glad you liked the post Caroline and
Happy Baking
We loved the bike trip so much that we are going to go back next Summer and start in Paris and ride to Provence and then stay in that area riding and then on to the Basque region of Spain...will be cycling and eating for about 3 months !
We are in AL...not VA...our son the chef is in VA. But I hear ya' on the drive...we are 10 hrs from Lexington..ugh. Our second son is based in Ft Myers and will be in Las Vegas for 13 weeks with potential for renewal of position...we may go out in Dec...will give you a heads up...maybe we can meet up ! I will post my bread. c
Another great bake DA. Love the bright yellow of the apricots. Your crumb looks perfect...nice and open and moist.
Not sure what exactly makes this an "Italian" bread, but it must taste great none the less :).
14 paws up!
Birthday boy Max say's hi to Lucy....he just turned 2 today and Lexi turned 1 on Wednesday :>
Italians are crazy about their farro and this bread has all 3 of them in there, Einkorn, Emmer and spelt plus durum semolina . They are also crazy about and use plenty of hazelnuts and almonds too I figured it was more Italian than French, Russian, English or German :-) We like this bread too, It is fine tasting and the crust and crumb are what we shoot for every week.
Lucy says happy birthday to both of her buddies and wishes she was 1 or 2 too! Glad you liked the bread and
Happy Baking Ian
Hey dabrowny. Apricots...now there's something I didn't even think of putting in bread, but of course it would work. Yummy. Everything else looks great as usual. A plate full of health..I could use that after 4 days of eating out around Mesa/Phoenix.
The sky photo! How did I miss that sky in the last few days?? Was that sunrise or sunset?? We've had our cameras out and ready since we've been here for some great sunset photos but the first few days were cloudy and last night was nice, but nothing spectacular. Tonight in Scottsdale, the clouds were a hot pink.
You make me jealous even when I am here!
photos but that sunset was taken sometime between the 3rd and 8th of October. It was an extreme telephoto this time. I will post the far away shot so you can see it in wide angle. Last nights sunset was pretty good but we we eating at our Mexican hole in the all place on Broadway in Mesa called Taquitos Jalisco and I didn't get a shot of it.
Glad you liked the healthy post and enjoy the rest of your time in Arizona John - the weather is getting better.
and another super bread! Am sitting in grey rainy London, hankering after a sky like that! This bread must be delicious, also the apple plum galette. Well done Lucy, a belly rub is well deserved! Were the chia still from last time? If so, looks like they held up fine in the fridge.
they were stacked up in little separate plastic tubs, wrapped in plastic and kept in the fridge. There is another week's worth too......I was surprised the chia seeds didn't start growing a pet or hair for Elvis but i guess the 36 F was too cold for it to germinate.. We are going to be eating a lot of apple somethings to use up all the apples from the new crop we bought the last couple of weeks :-) We love the galette because it is so easy. 1/2 C of flour for the crust, 1 huge honey crisp apple thinly sliced for the top and half a plum with brown sugar and pumpkin pie spices sprinkled on top with watered down marmalade for the glaze when it comes out of the oven . Here is a picture of it before it went into the oven.
This bread is so tasty. Nothing like making bread that tastes as good as it looks - and so healthy too! Can't buy it anywhere either since it takes so long to make and no bakery is going to spend that kind of time and money on a loaf of bread. Glad you liked it and
Happyy Baking
Bread, chicken pot pie, and salad all looks fantastic! I'd wipe the table clean with my mouth if that was served for dinner tonight.
Also, the dough may have overproofed, but we all know the loaf is still delicious. ;)
Jolly bakings, Dab!
Probably not one you would bake in your bakery but for fun at home? I like to get these half whole grain breads in the oven at 85% proof and this one was 93.67% proofed so still not too horrible. All the food was nearly as good as the bread. Glad you liked the post Zita and
Happy Baking.