From the Mixer comes care free great bread!

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

I have had fun the last two days :)

I like not having to make mess or worry about kneading for 10 mins. Thats KAM's job :)



I made some oat bread and a lovely fruit loaf


A crumb shot.


The recipe for the fruit loaf is over at my new food blog but it is explained in simpler terms or more detailed depends on who you are. I mixed it in my mixer for 4 mins....gave my mixer a rest as the instructions said "mix bread for 2 mins then another 2 mins and it should be ready" I say they are wrong and so mix for a couple of mins and give it a rest. I wanted to have good gluten development, and it surely did that :) The crumb is so soft :)


and congratulations on your new food blog. I just visited --it looks great!


Those are very nice loaves.  Nice interior and crust coloring on both loaves.