finally! ciabatta results I like.

Profile picture for user metropical

after messing about on and off for a couple years, I combined the poolish ciabatta with the Jason cocodrillo.

Nice fermented delicate flavor.  mmmmm.

took about 30 mins on 4 with my Concept 7 mixer.  I used a smaller recipe then Jason listed because I had the poolish too.

I've gotten much better at handling wet dough.  Nice oven spring on unglazed terra cotta tiles.

That's a long mixing time. 

Would you attribute the large holes to the long mixing times, or something else?

meat and cheese filled panini sandwich ....for me....OK you can have one too!  Well done and happy baaking

Profile picture for user metropical

I dunno what to attribute the big eyes to, but based on past experience I'd guess the mixing time.

Jasons original instructions that I picked of the pre-web bulletin boards said:

 "beat the 7 bells out of the glop".


sort of.  I messed with JMonkeys recipe here.  And a little bit of the Ponsford folding methodology.

tastes good, owing to the poolish. Crust is a wee thin.  Crumb is not quite.

I think my timing was off a bit.