Greetings from Burns


I'm a passionate  home cook in Toronto Canada. Although now I am retired - I was a teacher - I'm always reflecting on how could I have done the cooking stuff - including bread - within that full time work schedule I had. 

In terms of bread, I've been working to prefect a simple preferment whole wheat pan loaf. I feel I'm just about there, and now have posted a blog about it and developed a functional hydration table that anyone is invited to use.

Last week I just gave my very first sourdough workshop which went quite well, but we'll see how many of the 13 participants actually follow through, feed their starter and get something going. 

I look forward to the discussions on this forum and to expanding my horizons and skills.


Always good to see new people. I look forward to seeing more of you and your experiences. I will be sure to check out your blog.