Hola from Canada

Profile picture for user TheOrangeCat

Greetings from the Great White North (now only weeks away from the first fluffy white flakes!!!) ...

I have always been an enthusiastic dabbler, but since taking the role of stay at home Dad, I found more and more that I was dissatisfied with store bought and that the brood and I were more and more delighted with home baked goodies ... 'nuff said. Now my stand mixer is in multiple daily use and tubs of dough in various states of raising/proving lie in various strategic kitchen locations ...


Looking forward to learning and contributing here.




From Montreal, where the weather has suddenly turned cold, but we're praying for winter to keep its distance.

here in Trail, BC.  The web cams show snow in north Idaho.  Warmed up nicely today to 21°C    The starter is getting fed once around 10 am to catch some warmth.   Glad I picked the apples yesterday.

Welcome to warmest site for yeastie beasties!


Hey Orange Cat!  I lived for a while in St-Donat and worked at their bakery there.... you live in a very pretty area!

Welcome and looking forward to reading all about your bread!