The Sunflower Bakery and Cafe - Glaveston

Profile picture for user dabrownman

We had lunch on Saturday at this fine bakery that is more of the breakfast, lunch and buffet place.  The only SD bread they made was a Deli Rye but they also made Focaccia (their most expensive bread at $5 a loaf), 7 grain, 2 kings of challah, jalapeno and cheddar, white, honey wheat, pumpernickel (all $4 a loaf) and croissants -  and the winner is....... jalapeno and cheddar.  All of them were fine tasting though and the price is more than right.

They also have a full range of cakes, pies, pastries and cookies.  Not shown on their menu is a full page of buffet items and anther full page of specials.   5 of us ate there and not one ordered off the regular menu.

We also had a great lunch at Farley Girls Cafe where the fish tacos, cheviche, calamari and oyster po-boy are for sure killers.

The best place for dinner,after my daufghter's white coat ceremony,  was Trattoria La Vigna where the chef and owner came from Sicily 25 years ago and opened this place.  She makes everything in house including the bread, sausages, pasta, etc.  The only thing she doesn't do is stomp the Chianti grapes.  She came and sat with us for 10 minutes and told us about herself, her husband the menu and rattled off how to make all the food we ate.  No SD bread but the focaccia was excellent.  She said she knew of no one who made SD in Sicily.  Everyone said that this was one of the very best Italian restaurants they had eaten at and this one replaced Farley Girls as my daughter's favorite, Galveston eatery - highly recommended.


We are proud of her.  I tried to talk her into a major in Genetics with a minor in Nano Technology but she chose Cellular and Micro Biology for her bachelors :-)   She loves PA school and got a 4.0 for her first semester - but now it gets harder!  Sadly, she doesn't get home much and we miss Lucy has to pick up the slack :-)

Heh. I had to look up "white coat ceremony" - and until I did I was assuming the white coat in question must be the kind worn by a baker!

Either way, something to be proud of. :)

the white coat with long arms and straps they use for out of control loonies:-) My daughter didn't think my stupidity was very funny!  She is a peach and the world her oyster.....So nice, and a relief to her parents,  to be 23 and on a rewarding career path.  Now she needs a rich husband who is a doctor - an anesthesiologist would be nice:-)

All three restaurants sound delicious. and congrats on your daughter's graduation. Is she a physician now? :)


how good the food was in Galveston.  Everywhere we ate was top notch.  Our daughter graduated from U of A (University of Arizona) in May 2013. She just started PA school at UTMB (University of Texas Medical Branch) this past June.  They present the white coats after the first semester.  She still has nearly 2 years to go before she graduates.  There are 90 in her class and her roommate from her senior year at U of A also got in so they are now roommates again in Galveston. - very nice!

I had to look up white coat ceremony too. I had no idea they do this now. I don't recall graduate schools doing this 20 years ago. Well, at least not in California.  Congrats to your daughter. I think PAs are an essential part of the health care system and I hope she meets and marries a nice doctor. :)