Some really bad news about the whole idea of eating bread


This is really getting tiresome.

For every single thing you can even think of putting in your mouth there is some data that suggests it will destroy you.

And reading those comments below the article, it seems like people have been eating pure poison.


Has anyone heard about this before? I don't think such a thing even exists in my country.


Yes, try and be healthy but also enjoy your food. Your opening sentence "this is getting tiresome..." seems to suggest that your quest for "healthy" eating is getting in the way of enjoyment. Evidence suggests that sprouting is good and does make it more nutritious. But so does sourdough.

Two links at the top of the web page: "Shop Online" and "Store Finder"

'nuff said.

not everything you read on the internet is true... why, even this comment might be a fabrication!

Don't even get me started on this subject.

My only comments are 'everything in moderation.'  As for bread, as long as it is not the North American deranged version of bread (aka Wonder Bread, etc.), there are far worse things in this world that will harm you if consumed regularly.

We now suffer the incessant ramblings of every wanna-be health or journalism troubadour due to the many ridiculously unhealthy eaters out there.  As if the rest of us scarf down cheese burgers and hash brown every day of our lives.

I would be more concerned with what you put between the bread than the bread itself.


Do you remember the line from the movie "Watergate"? "Follow the money". The bottom line is, What are they trying to sell you? I prefer good food in moderation, bread, great cheese, butter, whole milk, fresh vegetable and fruits. If a package has chemicals that I can not pronounce, I don`t eat it. If you want to take food seriously you should cook more to really know whats going into your body, you can make it finger licking good. 

So this is why we are not living as long or as healthily as people did hundreds of years ago. Hold on we are living longer and healthier. As rozeboosje said, "Shop online" and Storefinder" give the game away. PS I'm a doctor.

Good point Stevo.  No offense, but it was a doctor that perpetuated all this bread = death craze.  A doctor that had notoriety and money on the forefront of his mind, rather than the public's health.