Not much yelling goes on here at all so no worries. Looks like you got some pretty good results in 3 different areas already-yeast, sourdough and brioche. All are lovely!
@mebake - I've been baking now for about 3-4 months. Was casual at first, but becoming an obsession.
Developing my own starter really changed everything. I'm not just adding yeast to flour and hoping for the best anymore. At the point now where I'm understanding. It's very cool and enlightening. See how it goes from here.
You should have posted sooner! Gorgeous Breads! Th:)anks for sharing!
Let me be the first to say, Hi. Welcome to TFL!
I think you will like it here.
Gorgeous breads! how long have you been baking bread? Nice job.
Looks like you've figured it out. The real test is when your family turns their noses from the commercial stuff preferring the home baked instead.
Not much yelling goes on here at all so no worries. Looks like you got some pretty good results in 3 different areas already-yeast, sourdough and brioche. All are lovely!
Welcome to TFL and may I say I LOVE your breads!!
My family does not want to eat the shop bought bread anymore and I am forever baking * family of 6 here *
LOVE bread, love baking bread.
Thanks everyone.
@mebake - I've been baking now for about 3-4 months. Was casual at first, but becoming an obsession.
Developing my own starter really changed everything. I'm not just adding yeast to flour and hoping for the best anymore. At the point now where I'm understanding. It's very cool and enlightening. See how it goes from here.
bread. Your baking s awesome. Welcome and
Happy baking