sticky bun - video

Profile picture for user mcs

Hey there, In the spirit of JMonkey who has nudged the fresh loaf in a sticky bun direction, I'm putting up video #4, "Sticky Buns". It's more of a recipe specific type of video, not really a tutorial, and without commentary. It's a little different than the others, but maybe you'll find it inspirational enough to make some. Hope you like it.




I am so hungry now.


I made cinnamon buns over the weekend and they are gone now and I have been craving then again and now, you just had to go and put up this vidoe! GAH!

My hips cant take much more of this!


*runs off screaming into the kitchen to make sticky buns-or maybe just cinnamon buns....less fat and sugar ;) * 

Love the music.
Love the font.
And now, at this late hour, I want to go make sticky buns! (But maybe I'll wait till the weekend.)

BTW: I watched your kneading video the other day. I tried your method of kneading twice before turning. I don't know what affect it had on the dough, but it felt very comfortable and I liked the rhythm. Thanks for sharing that.

Mark, thanks for the video. 

I cut with a guitarre string (strung between two large buttons, fishing line also good) after marking top with a knife, saves my counter tops from knife marks.    Mini O

I really enjoyed this. Looking forward to the ciabatta video -- I'm hoping I can learn something from watching you do it. My ciabatta are incredibly inconsistent. Sometimes, they come out great, with a deep flavor and open crumb. Other times they look like sandwich bread and stale after 12 hours. Frustrating.

Did I mention these sticky buns are calorie and fat free? So don't worry about a few extra layers on your hips or wherever they end up.

As for the next video, I'm not exactly a ciabatta guru, but I figure it's always interesting to see how others do it anyway, right?

Thanks again,


Another first rate video Mark, thanks for the effort and sharing your talents.



Those look SO good.  I'm going to try them at the weekend and bring them into work on Monday.  You should keep on fooling yourself they are calorie and fat free- you're mind will love you for it.  I've never made sticky buns but I can just tell, if I tried to flip the pan over like that, I'd end up with the buns anywhere but on the bench.  I love Mini-Oven's suggestion with the fishing line.  Thanks for yet another great video. I think I'm going to have to put them all in one folder.  I find them really helpful.  What are we all going to do when you open the bakery and no longer have time?


to say thanks for all the videos you've shared. I really enjoy them, have been trying your shaping methods and always look forward to your next production.

This is a wonderful video, now I have to locate the recipe.  Is it posted somewhere?  I'm sorry if my question is redundant, I'm relatively new to the site.  I'd love to know the secret of the filling. 

GrapevineTX, this is the link to get you to the recipe:

As for a few of the above compliments, thanks very much and you're welcome. To tell you the truth, it's been pretty disappointing how long it's taking to get the bakery going, but the tutorials and forum has certainly made the time more enjoyable.

The pan flipping thing hasn't always worked. Just make sure your landing spot is big enough. I've had molten brown sugar and butter down the front of my shirt and pants before, and that aint fun.

When we've done the stickybuns on a large scale, with lots of people working, we used dental floss (like MiniO's suggestion) and it worked well. Except for one of my 'helpers'. I looked at his floss and instead of just crossing over the floss to cut, he had tied a knot for each bun he cut. Needless to say, he had this short piece of floss with about 4,000 knots in it.


Just wondering, couldn't you put the pan you are going to flip the buns onto, upside down over the top of the baking pan and then flip? That's how I do my loaves in brotforms. Cookie sheet with parchment paper on top of the brotform, flip, slash and slide onto the stone.


You just hit another one out of the ball park. Great video!    I'm going to give them a try next week.  Great soundtrack...Love that music.  Thanks so much for sharing.


They look great, but are too hot to try as yet. I do have one question. Was I supposed to let them proof again after slicing and placing in the pan. There was no mention in the recipe, but the video said to place them in the pan for their proof. The
only thing I might do differently next time is to use a metal pan. The biggest pan I had was a pyrex and it was on 11.5x14.75, still not as large as you use. Flipping a loaded pyrex takes some muscle  :  )

Sorry about that. You are supposed to proof it after they are cut and in the pan, for about an hour. I'll fix that on the recipe. I'd fire my website manager, but she told me I won't get dinner tonight if I do. Hope it works out anyway.

Funny, I accidentally erased the part of the video where I show what they look like after they're proofed and before they are baked. Hence the black screen with the 'bake and wait' part of the tutorial.


even if they weren't proofed. I was debating what to do, while cleaning up. My pan was smaller than yours..and there was not a whole lot of room to after about 20 minutes I said the heck with it and baked them off. They are BIG rolls. I can't imagine the size if I had let them proof..humungo !! Tender crumb, orange & honey flavors prominent. The caramel goo is's an automatic reflex to scoop the excess off the pan and top your roll with it!!! Which my husband did ,taste testing, with the irregular ends I squished into the pan (+ 1 roll). Honestly, I don't think anyone could tell that I didn't proof them. Thanks Mark and tell your website manager she does a great job!! Wouldn't want you to go without dinner....

I'm glad they came out well.  I've adjusted the dough recipe a bunch over the past few years, and I'm finally very happy with it.  Maybe your dough was warmer than mine to begin with, so the 20 minute rest was all it needed.  Now don't eat them all in one sitting.  I definitely get the Homer Simpson drool thing going with those, but instead of saying , "DOOUGHNUT", I'm saying, "STIIICKY BUUUNNN."  I think thegreenbaker has the same problem.


There were lots of happy people at work today! All I heard was that they were the best sticky buns ever. People went out of their way to stop by my office and tell me how good they were. I won't be trying any other recipe...these be de ones! Thanks again!

Hey everyone,

If you happened to download the recipe that was posted for my stickybuns, there is an update.  Paddyscake informed me of the missing 'final proof' stage in the recipe.  It's been updated on our website, but if you already have it printed out or copied, you can just add a 45-60 minute covered proof after the buns are put in the pan and before they go in the oven.  



Never though of putting the topping up the sides.  Good idea.  Thanks, Pam