Definition of "tripple" rising in poolish

Profile picture for user Jim Burgin

I have a polish rising, coming up on 14 hours, pet Ken Forkish.

His book says that tripling the rise brings 1 up to 4.

Math says that to triple something you multiply it by 3.      1 comes up to 3.

Which should I go by?   Have I misunderstood Forkish?  

Time is of the essence. 

Thanks, Jim Buregin

Do not worry about this, it does not really matter, even if it only doubles it will give you a great rise.

I go by the look of my starter/poolish and see if it is ready for baking.

Just do the float test:)

Put water in a bowl, carefully take 1 tsp of poolish and put it in the Water, if it floats it has enough air to rise the bread.