Proofed boule into a batard for romertopf?


Howdy!  I'm proofing two boules in the fridge overnight to bake in a Dutch oven tomorrow. I also have a romertopf clay baker thingee that's oval, and I was wondering if I could sort of press the boules tomorrow into batards and use the romertopf instead. I've been getting great results from the DO but I thought itd be neat to try something new.

Once the bulk proof is complete I shape the dough into a boule to create surface tension.  I allow it to rest for twenty minutes and then form into a batard - with or without the overnight retard.

If you have already fully shaped and proofed your loaf, I wouldn't re-shape it. You will deflate it too much.

Assuming the boule is an appropriate weight for the Romertof, I would just put it in there and bake it. With oven spring, it will re-shape itself some and might turn out looking like a bâtard willy nilly. You can help this re-shaping by scoring the boule with 2 or 3 cuts parallel to each other and at right angles to the long axis of the romertof. 

If the diameter of the boule is too great to fit within the romertof, just GENTLY stretch it out a little until it will go in there.

Good luck. Please let us know how this works for you. Photos before and after the bake would be super cool!


Thanks, David, I'll try that and take photos.

I've been using both parchment paper and corn meal to avoid burning the bottom in the Dutch oven - the parchment not only makes it easy to transfer but also keeps the cornmeal off my crust.  Are romertopfs succeptible to burning the bottom as well? (Assuming a 20 minute preheat at 500 then bake at 500 for 20, 450 for 10 and 450 uncovered for 20+. It's a tartine 3 sprouted amaranth with some sprouted dehydrated ground amaranth thrown in as well.)



I have zero experience with clay bakers. However, I have a fair amount of experience with cast iron dutch ovens and some with enameled cast iron ovens. I also have found that parchment beneath the loaves reduces burning. I can't imagine it doing any harm.

Currently, I am using lodge Combo Cookers. I pre-heat the deeper part which becomes the cover but not the base. This gives me good results and averts the chance of getting burned transferring the loaf to the base. So, I cut a round of parchment to fit in the base and transfer the loaves onto that. Take the covers out of the oven. Cover the bases and put them back in the oven.

I have Tartine 3 but haven't baked anything from it. My wife used one of the cookie recipes to substitute some whole grain flour for white flour in a well-known recipe. That turned out well.

Good luck with your bake!
