The Triple Decker Bread Braid


The Triple Decker Bread Braid

From: "The Art of Braiding Bread"


I love your braiding and would love to purchase your 'book'.  Are you planning on publishing it as a 'regular' book.  A bound book that can be stored on a bookshelf that has a hard cover rather than something printed off of a computer that consists of a lot of loose pages?


I published my book in digital format to give my readers several advantages:

* Accessibility: ease of purchase from anywhere in the world and instant delivery.

* Price. The book has approximately 254 pages, with 541 illustrations and 9 videos. On paper the price could easily go to US$150 or more.


Tablets are very new at present but I am betting that they will find their way to the kitchen soon and that more and more books will be published this way.

Hi Ibor,

I am an older woman and electronics simply are not my thing.  I do not own a tablet and I do not even have a cell phone.  I use a computer for emails, this forum and for looking for information.  I do not stay on it long because it is not something I feel comfortable using at all - makes me nervous.

 I am one who is much more at ease with a book that has pages that I can flip through and ear mark and write notes in etc. SOmething that has heft and is concrete and is an object unto itself. For me that is relaxing and I then know physically where something is that I want to find.  To me computer stuff, although stored, is very abstract.  Sifting through its files is nerve wracking to me compared to a book.  

I admire your work and just regret that it isn't in book form for others like myself.  I can't believe that I am the only one wanting a hard copy but then I am an odd duck in this electronic world :)

Take Care and Best of Luck with your endeavor.



Are the braids you show actually made from bread dough? they look like something synthetic.


A very interesting comment. It looks like one strives for perfection until the results look irreal. But not to worry Patsy, each and every one of the braids shown in my book "The Art of Braiding Bread" were made with dough. I ate some, gave most away to friends and received many compliments for them.

best regards