no knead variations - more crust

Profile picture for user metropical

there are so many "no-knead" posts there is no need for another ….  nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

None the less.

finally got to a nk yesterday which turned out rather nice with about a 24hr rise.

But we'd like a firmer thicker crust.  I wonder if anyone here has experimented with with lo and slo baking the nk ?

Or other recipe variations to get there.

I did see one with 1/3 ww and 2/3 ap that looked rather nice.

You probably still want to start with a high oven temperature in order to get a good oven spring, but you could try lowering it about halfway through the bake. If you're using a dutch oven, doing the temperature drop when you take the lid off might make sense.

I have been able to get a nice thick crust with a cold DO and starting temp of 550. After 10 min. drop to 450 and bake for additional 20 minutes. After 20 remove lid and bake until dark and bottom sounds hollow . But this gives a rather bold bottom crust...

Profile picture for user metropical

10 @ 550°

10 @ 450°

remove lid and stay @ 450° for, would you say, another 15?

Its a visual judgement if I am baking it for my family. In other words some people don't like their bread as bold as my family does, lol.

But the bottom I get is like that of a pizza crust. Thick and crusty with a great chew and excellent mouth feel as a sandwich.

10 @ 550

20 @ 450

Pull lid and from there generally its another 15 @ 450.

However, this is for a 2 kilo boule. You might burn your first one if your loaf is smaller and have to adjust accordingly.

I bake mine in the Dutch Oven for 30 Minutes at 250C and then lid off, reduce  heat and bake for another 15 Minutes.

I put mine with the Parchment Paper in the Dutch oven so that there is a barrier between the bottom of the Dutch Oven and the bottom of the bread.

Works a charm, nice beautiful thick crust, it does crackle when it is cooling. 

I use the parchment as well.

an aside here.  anyone ever flavor with red wine or beer like many do for multigrain loaves?

how can I augment the basic recipe to add rye flour or a rye starter?