I have been looking all over and all I can find are bread pans that are 3 inches deep. What I need is a bread pan that is around 4 1/2 inches deep to make a regular size loaf for sandwich bread. The length should be around 8 1/2. Does anyone have any ideas ??
pan, like this one:
It's a bit longer than you say, but sandwich bread (as far as I understand, we don't have much tradition in that department where I live) is often baked in these.
I ran into the same dilemma a few years ago. I just don't like "shoulders" on a loaf.
1. King Arthur has a "Gluten Free" loaf pan that is essentially the same as the Pullman pan recommended by MisterTT but shorter
2. I occasionally use a rectangular angel food cake pan but it is long. I only do that when I make a double loaf (end-to-end)
3. I have found steam table inserts that are about the correct loaf size but the bottom corners are more rounded than I like.
4. My favorite loaf pan is a Corning casserole dish. I was trying to emulate the widepan loaf shape and a pan was available it was ungodly expensive. I fine these at thrift stores and rummage sales-I have about 6.
So take a look around and see if you already have a vessel that is the shape you want. Then evaluate it is safe to use (no plastic handles, no suspicious soldering if it is antique, no white-coated can). And then-have fun!
My favorite for sandwich bread (besides the wide pan loaf) is a #2 can. Makes a great round slice-no corners!
So take a look in your cupboard and see what you can find. I found MANY baking vessels I never knew I had and I didn't have to spend a lot of money on them.
Reasonable prices. The width of this pan includes the lip so it is a little bit smaller than 5 in.