This was an experiment to make a loaf ideal for toasting and to have a lightness of commercially "improved" bread leavened with just sourdough.
Lievito madre bound for 12hrs @ 18-20C.
autolyse: 80% canadian wheat, 10% white spelt, 10% light rye. 55% hydration. 12hrs @ ~20C.
Bath lievito for 20 minutes in sweetened water @ 20-22C.
1st refresh: [1]:[1.5] ([lievito]:[flour]) 28C for 4 hours.
133g lievito refreshed
620g autolyse
58.6g water
15g oil
10g honey
9.7g salt
Bulk ferment for 90 minutes @ 28C. Proof @30C for 3-4 hours or until generously tripled.
- mwilson's Blog
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What a great sandwich SD and a heck of a long aitolyse too - not too wet either. Has to taste great!
Well done and happy baking Michael.
I agree, that is a beautiful lofty loaf, Michael. Perfect for toast.
what do you mean by sweetened water? And why would that be necessary?
Thanks for sharing,
Awesome looking sandwich loaf Michael.
Hi Michael,
As all have commented - very nice sandwich loaf. I too am curious about the 'sweetened' water and if you added salt to your autolyze to keep it from initial stages of fermenting especially with the rye in the mix. I know that if I do not include salt with my 'soakers' that I let sit for 12 hours I end up with too much enzyme activity and a very week dough,
Thanks for the post and photos!
dabrownman, Khalid, Ian and Janet. Thanks all.
@Khalid and Janet. The sweetened water is part of a bathing process typical of Italian starter maintenance. The bath has two functions, one to wash away impurities and to remove excess acidity. Secondly the bath provides oxygen to the dough nourishing the yeasts. Sugar is added at 1-2 grams per litre of water. Sugar helps oxygenate the water.
@Janet. I didn't add salt to the autolyse. Although Giorilli advises to do so for an autolyse lasting longer than 6 hours. With the low hydration and cool temperature there is no spontaneous fermentation. Cereal proteases do their thing and weaken the gluten some, which works very well in conjunction with the firm Italian SD which provides tremendous strength. This type of autolyse will likely not work so well with a wet starter.
Thanks for the explanation about both processes you used with this loaf.
Do you only use the sweetened water for the first 'refreshment' and then subsequent refreshments are without the water?
Yes, you are correct. The bath comes after the storage phase (12-24 hours @ 18C) and prior to the first refreshment. Subsequent refreshments happen in the warmth (28C) and do not require soaking / washing.
Thanks for the info. Michael. Makes sense to have a 'bath' after being in storage *^)
I will have to give this method a try and see how it works with my freshly milled whole grains that I work at keeping on the sweeter side as is. Your routine will fit into my established daily maintenance plan pretty well so, when my daughter is available as a tester, I will give this a shot.