La Cloche baked Pain à L’Ancienne

Profile picture for user GerryR

I've made Pain à L’Ancienne several times now and each time it seems to get better in terms of taste but I keep getting pretty thin boules.  I've been curious about what would happen if I let the dough "age" in the refrigerator for two days instead of just one.  So I mixed up enough dough for a loaf on Wednesday and left it until this morning.  I also decided to try baking it in my Sassafras covered baker, La Cloche.  I baked it in the convection oven at 425F for 15 minutes then lowered the temperature to 400F and continued baking for 30 minutes at which time I removed the lid and let it bake for about 8 minutes more.  After it had cooled for about 45 minutes, I tried a small piece.  I don't think the taste is improved by leaving it in the refrigerator for an extra day but I like how it baked in the covered baker.  It also turned out a better shape, not as large in diameter but about 4" high, but I may just be getting better at shaping these things.

I think there's a couple of ways to do it, but here's the one I know how to walk you through.

  1. Go into the edit page for your post.
  2. In the toolbar above your text entry box, click on the little tree icon (in between the broken link and quotation mark).
  3. Next to the line that says "Image URL", click the icon on the right, right out side of the entry field.
  4. In the new window, click the "Upload" button, next to the one that says Thumbnails.
  5. Click choose file.
  6. Find where the image file is located on your computer.
  7. Once the file is selected, click "Open".
  8. Click "Upload".
  9. The file should now appear in the list on the upload window (the one that says Thumbnails at the top).
  10. Double click your file.
  11. You should now be back at the first pop-up window, now with text in the "Image URL" field.
  12. Click "Insert".
  13. Save post.
  14. Smile.

Hope that's clear enough and helps.

If you are free form proofing and proofing more than 85% and the dough is room temperature then it will spread and you will not get the same shape, rise.and crumb as proofing a basket in the fridge and baking it while the wet dough is still cool.  If it still spreads it is usually just too wet.

If it tastes great it really doesn't matter since stomachs can't see and they don't lie to you :-)

I proofed this one in the bowl that it was in while in the refrigerator.  It went directly from bowl to the base of the La Cloche.  The previous one was proofed in a brotform I got from Breadtopia and it was maybe 2" thick, but I didn't make any effort to shape that one and I did make an effort with this last one.  Both loaves tasted good.  The crust was a bit crunchier on the previous one.