New name - was mtcyclist

Profile picture for user GerryR

I got registered a few days ago, with some help, because I don't get emails from the forum at my usual email.  And they don't get stuck in my spam filter.  I tried to log in today and forgot my password and of course can't reset it because I can't get the email.  So, I used my alternate email and just registered again.  I got the email to confirm my registration with no problems.  I think my hosting company is blocking the emails, but gmail works fine.

This is a loaf of Pain à L’Ancienne from the BBA book.  This was third attempt and finally got a loaf that wasn't flat.  Tasted better than the others also.  Now, if I could just figure out how to do the slash marks I would be in business.


This bread is very delicate and doesn't really need scoring.  More often than not is just cut in strips and baked in rough baguette forms.  I'm sure you could do some very light scoring if you want a design but anything deep would probably not hold up.  Try some sourdough formulas or baguettes if you wanna get some slashing and bloom.  But by no means stop making this classic.  



For very wet breads I often prefer to use kitchen shears to score the bread, rather than using a knife (which tends to drag quite badly sometimes)