Sprouted wheat

Profile picture for user VonildaBakesBread

We are attempting 100% sprouted wheat from Reinhart. What should our ground up sprouted wheat berries look like? Right now we have a sticky mass with which we could form balls, etc. 

you would want to dry he berries in a dehydrator at a temperature say around 125 F before trying to grind them into a sprouted flour.  This is way too much work for me so I just throw them in the dough mix like nuts and seeds.  Either way you get the same nutrition and enzymes working for you.  

Vonilda, there are two different approaches.  My recollection is that Reinhart's book on whole grains called for using the sprouted grains in their whole form.  He is working on a new book that is supposed to come out by the end of the year with recipes for using grains that have been sprouted, then dried, then ground into flour.  As dabrownman says, if you are going to grind them, you need to dry them thoroughly before you put them in a mill -  I have an oven that will go as low as 100 with convection and that works for me.  Once they are dried, and ground, they look the same as regular flour.  I have never used them in their unground state, so can't help there.