I've been haunting this site for a few months now and enjoying every minute of it. It's a great site with a ton of information. It is also extremely easy to navigate. The hardest part of navigating is staying on task, with all those beautiful bread photos to distract one! I frequently have to remind myself I did start with a specific topic in mind when I entered the site :( Anyway thanks to the webmaster for his time and effort in creating and maintaining the site - no small eater of time.
There is a nice core of bakers here that I haven't come across elsewhere, from novice like to expert. Better yet everyone seems willing to share ideas and offer constructive criticism.
So hello and thank you all for the knowledge and enthusiasm offered up on this site. It does not go unappreciated.
Happy baking all. May your loaves be light and filled with goodness!
Welcome here and nice greetings from Manitoba!
Thanks for the chuckle this am - and welcome :-)
You come from grain country and that can't be bad with a name like that:-)
From Montreal, where we do appreciate all those wheat fields out your way!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! You all have some fine examples of baking on the site. I'm hoping that baking like that is a contagious condition.
One thing I notice - there aren't too many flat out failures talked about here. There is always something positive about a bake even if it's only the learning experience.
Yes we do fine with wheat on the prairies. I have a convenient and affordable source for organic whole wheat, rye and white flour but it's not so easy to find a source of wheat berries. I'm still working on that. I'm anxious for the weather to break and for the farmers' markets to start reappearing for another season. I should find some sources there.
All in all, I'm very glad that I happened upon this site :)
When my pizza was messed up beyond recognition, I was so frustrated, I could not fathom taking a picture. :)
No picture, nothing to write about.