Since we were having friends over for dinner on Saturday this past weekend I baked then rather than Sunday as I usually do. The loaves went into the refrigerator Friday evening but due to circumstances beyond my control (life) I wasn't able to get them into the oven until Saturday afternoon. I feared for their health and development.
However, despite not having quite as much oven spring as usual, they had the most surface blisters and the best crumb so far. Next time I'll go with this longer fermentation period!
Tartine country boule, 25% Bob's whole wheat, 75% KA AP, 80% hydration.
SD bread. Just great inside and out
Happy baking
Thanks for the kind words.
Yummmmm! Beautiful bread -- lucky friends!
A great loaf all around,well done!
Thanks for the comments. The friends seemed to really enjoy it, along with my wife's fabulous soup.