Sourdough can be soft and fluffy!


Baked this beauty of a loaf yesterday. Wonderfully cotton soft, melt on your tongue, and light. The sourdough left a mild tang.


That looks great and with the flavour from your sourdough must be delicious. These days I am not a fan of white fluffy bread, but when we were children, if our mother sent us to the bakery to buy bread, this is the kind of bread we bought, handed over in a brown paper bag. On the way home we would shred a bit to taste, then another, then another, 'Mum won't notice' we thought, so another, and another..... she must have known but I suspect she did the very same thing when she was a wee girl. One of my life's little pleasures. Commercial white,soft bread is now sold sliced in plastic bags - no sneaking a shred or four for today's youngsters. There are a number of asian bakeries selling unsliced white bread here which I assume are soft and sweet but I have never seen a loaf pulled apart to see if they are the shreddable kind.

How do you eat this bread?


Reminds me of when me and my sister were younger... 


Anyways, I usually make toast with this bread, or just tear off pieces and eat! And I wonder too if commercial bread is the shreddable kind. 

Okay, now I need to start some soft pull apart dinner rolls. My SD starter has been neglected, so I guess I will have to do a yeasted bake today.