Red Cedar SD Rye

Profile picture for user andychrist


What happened here? was the moldy one a different batch then the one posted here? or was one of those photos bulk ferment and the other proofing? because it looks like different bowls, also that baked loaf doesn't appear to be a boule, what the word on the red cedar bit as well?

"was one of those photos bulk ferment and the other proofing?" 

You guessed it. But I didn't shape it into a boule again after it rose the first time; divided it between a Romertoph and a regular ceramic loaf pan. We ate most of the larger loaf before sunrise. 

Funny but the red remained in the crust a bit but not at all in the crumb.

BTW here is the thread documenting the starter, I fed it with apples and beets, thinned out with a little grapefruit. Think now I should have used a juice extractor rather than just a blender but I wanted to retain the fiber, which ended up making the bread a bit heavy.

They stopped growing that winter rye where I am. Apparently the family that runs the local farm stand had even once attempted to propagate it on my own land way back before I purchased the parcel, but it hadn't worked out there (nothing ever did.)