Just want to say thanks.


I've just popped in to boast my success at making a starter dough, which would never have been achieved without all the good advice right here at 'The Fresh Loaf' ...especially from  SourdoLady.

I would never have dreamt that one day I would actually talk to lump of dough (how sad), and get so emotional at seeing it rise to almost double. Now I just need to find a very simple sourdough bread recipe, then who knows, I might be back to boast about that too.

Thanks again to all who share advice here on the site. :-)


1:2:3 Sourdough.  1 part levain, 2 parts water and 3 parts flour with 2% salt.  Can't be easier than that, except for no knead  and the bread is really good too.  Do some slap and folds and some stretch and folds to develop the gluten and let it ferment fora a bit, Shape, put it in in rice floured basket and retard in a plastic bag in the fridge for 8- 12 hours.  It should proof to 85% in the fridge.  Preheat the oven to 500 F and get the stream going when it hits the pre set temp.  You can bake it right out of the fridge  r let it warm up as the oven heats if it isn't quite 85% proofed  Turn the oven down to 475 F after 3 minutes of steam and take the steam out after 10 more minutes.  Turn the oven down to 450 F and bake on a stone till 205 F on the inside - yummy.

Way to go with the starter and happy baking..

Hello dabrownman.

Thanks so much for the recipe which I'll attempt at the week-end when I've got more time. Unfortunately I've only got a very basic little electric oven ...no stone and no steam ( I'm just a poor soul ) but I'll give it my best and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.


Hello dabrownman.

Thanks so much for the recipe which I'll attempt at the week-end when I've got more time. Unfortunately I've only got a very basic little electric oven ...no stone and no steam ( I'm just a poor soul ) but I'll give it my best and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.



You can have good bread without the stone or the steam. It also makes it simpler. I have a cheap pizza stone that I use, but it isn't necessary. You probably do have a way to create a little steam, if you wanted to. It does make a difference, especially in the crust. But, once again, it isn't necessary.

If you want, here's how you can create some steam. You could use a small cake pan, or brownie pan, or even better, a cast iron skillet. You put it on the bottom and preheat it with the oven, and just after you load the loaves in, you dump hot water into the pan, which will instantly create some steam. Make sure you don't spill any on the glass window of your oven, as it can cause the glass to break. Also, wear an oven mitt, so the steam doesn't cook you before you can get your hand away from it.