2/9/14 Bake

Profile picture for user Wingnut

Just a quick post.

26 hour Sourdough right out of the oven, still cracking and popping. 78% Hydro


Great Crumb


Cheers all,


one after another.  This one is especially great inside and out.  Love those big blisters and bold bake.  This one has to taste great and be a little more sour with that long process.  Well done Wing!

Yes DA I finally achieved the sourness I want in my bread. I am not sure if the wife will be pleased with the proof baskets in the fridge for so long.



They look awesome!!! How could you have such a big oven spring!!! I still havent achieved something like yours!!

Great bake Wingnut 

Excellent sourdough levain loaf there Wingnut.  You definitely have this type of bread mastered.  Love the burnt edges on bloom.  What is your steaming method?  Seems to be really working for you.


I use a DO only. I bake at 480F for 30min. with the lid on then 6-10 minutes with the lid off. I depends on how the loaf looks when I take the lid off.

I got rid of my old starter and made a new one with a mix of flours.

Thanks for the kind words.



I suspected a DO...if I owned a large enough one, I would use it myself.  I use a turkey roaster which allows larger loaves...problem is, it doesn't retain the internal heat like a DO does.
