Baking Steel vs Stone for Sourdough Bread Baking


I recently purchased a King Arthur baking steel with the thought to replace my baking stone for both pizza and bread baking.

How does it perform with breads? I typically create steam in my oven cavity for the crust, by sometimes placing a tray of water or using a sprayer. Does this effect the steel?


I just looked at the KA steel. Boy did they mark up the Modernist steel !!  Whew....they designed their steel with the built in handle and you get the case....but a lot  more expensive and it is the same size. Anyway ..on to your question. I regularly spray my breads with a bottle while they are on the steel as well as having used a pan of lava rocks on a rack beneath the steel . Due to the heat in the oven there is no residual  moisture in the oven so therefore no rust and the steel is WAY to heavy and well-made to be warped by the water. Have fun and enjoy . Be sure to check the Modernist Cuisine Baking Steel site for their recipes. Lots of great ideas for using it. c

My steel does not suffer any negative effects from steam when baking, but it does rust if I leave it without use for a while because it is quite humid where I live.