I just got a new baking stone.
Putting the dough with the folded side down in the banneton and with late but vigorous steaming gives a nice rustic optic:
It is whole rye + 13% whole spelt with 78% hydration.
1370g dough weight; 1163g (2.6 pounds) bread weight.
I built the leaven in 2 steps (very low hydration and cold overnight; very high hydration and warm in the morning); no yeast added. Is anyone interested in the recipe?
Greetings from Austria

I would love to see the recipe. Looks like a delicious loaf of bread!
Looks great. Please share your formula.
so how was the taste and the crumb?
Voll schen schauts aus!
Looks delicious. I'm already looking forward to your next post.
is pretty good. Don't worry about it. If you check the comment tool bar, there are little symbols with three lines. These are tabs with dots (like you use the # before an ingredient) and tabs with numbers. Play around if you want to.
I've never been able to add a recipe to the recipe section. I think you need a golden key for that. :)
Want to try your recipe, just happen to have fed my rye starter the same as the recipe. Now what is this foam technique? I normally use a small (tiny) whisk to break up the sour starter in the water, and it does foam a little... but does extended whipping reduce sour? Or is it the builds that are softening the sour?
(I have a very whole rye flour and like also an extended wet time on my flour, as long as I can get it. Always looking to extend the fermenting time on all the rye flour.)
I do prefer a more sour bread so I will probably not refrigerate my starter and might have to discard and start a build for tomorrow thru the night. Dec 12 was the last time I fed it however it looks and smells great. I will also be adding some altus and spices this evening for the sour to munch on. Depends on how it shapes up. I also have hulled hemp (hanf) hearts. Nice little nutty puffy addition to the bread too. I don't ever remember seeing them in Austria. Not crunchy like the seeds.
It's snowing and I want a good crusty rye bread for the weekend!
comment tool bar: Now that I enabled javascript I see it.
recipe section: ok, I thought anyone could post there.
foam technique: Well actually it is just the last step of a 5 step method that will give you a very very mild sourdough. It was used in Germany after the 2nd world war when yeast was expensive or mostly not available to produce a leavening that itself was not strong in taste. Of course it is the builds (wet and warm) that make it mild, but also the whipping helps.
Putting air (oxygen) into the mix will boost the yeast (oxidation of sugars give more energy for growth/replication to yeast than anaerobic metabolism, that produces more CO2 but this we just need in the final dough) and not so much the lactobacilli (even though some also have an aerobic metabolism, I recently learned, but the main metabolism is anaerobic).
I personally prefer stronger (rye) sourdough flavour but my wife likes the milder ones. We also used it to test different self made spreads we want to offer at an ultimate tournament we host next month.
If you like a stronger flavour I'd recommend preparing the 2nd step as a 100% hydration built overnight and add the rest of the water later. Even with 100% hydration it will get soaked enough and maybe you can even use the remaining water for a small extra soaker. Or simply choose another recipe, but that would be too easy.
I know what hemp is, I know what a heart is, but I didn't know that plant had hearts ;) Well, I actually don't know what a hemp heart is. If it is seeds, you can buy them with hulls in Austria at the usual "ecological or healthfood" chains like Denns Bio or Reformhaus Martin (Davert Hanfsamen knusprig & nussig). I just eat them candied. How do you incorporate then into the dough? Like with flax seeds via a soaker?
What is altus? Neither Wikipedia nor my dictionary have an answer.
Here it is snowing too. But unfortunately they put too much salt on the streets that will ruin leather shoes, my bike ... Not much of a winter wonderland. But a good time for baking (and even the energy comes much cheaper).
Rye with a pinch of spelt! Well done!
the rye sour (starter) I mixed up a tiny batch of vienna bread, first a flour soaker, to go with beef goulash. 310g white soft wheat Caputo flour, 200g water + half an egg, 7g each salt, yeast, butter and 3g diastatic malt. Shook in about a tablespoon of those hemp hearts (still beating) for a nutty flavour. They remind me of tiny oat flakes. Eventually baked up a little bread round. Hubby came in with baguettes from the store, not bad but ugly. Tearing into them fast enough the ugliness has little lasting effect. :)
The Vienna-hemp went for ham sandwiches for lunch: butter, mustard, radish sprouts, pickle, cucumber, black pepper.
Now for the rye... Last night added altus (old bread, in this case dried dark walnut rye in cubes) to the sour after a generous amount of water and rye flour and the spices. It sat overnight and is thick and bubbly, smells like sour rye heaven an' sittin' perdy inna red-neck salad bowl (cool whip container.) Surely you've recycled day old rye bread back into your ryes! I should have weighed my altus and extra water. Now comes the fun part. Guess I will just aim at the hydration now that I've messed things up.
I will have to work backwards now, weigh out all the ingredients and remove what I've used so far. Lots of fun! It's unorthodox but it should work. :)
So staying pretty much true to the recipe, I just added enough water and flour to bring me to the last dough mixing step with 300g rye 100g spelt 30g hemp hearts and salt left to go into the dough. My fresh flour addition needs to ferment a little longer, the altus fell apart nicely.
The finished loaf: (seam side up in the banneton, not the reverse)
Have lots of 11% fat greek yogurt for potato cheese. Makes a nice spread for open faced sandwiches.
I prefer to just soak them and tear them apart using their torn structures as support into the next loaf. Probably getting into "resistant starch" usage too. I have shredded moist altus in a bladed contraption.
The added flavour is the best part. Too sour? Only when modern wheat is involved does it tend to get too sour.
Here comes the plow! And more dirt and sand on the roads. I don't think there is much use of salt. I understand they're testing beet juice too! Not from red beets but from sugar beets. I have never seen so many dirty roads, cars, trucks including everything nearby, bushes, trees, buildings, walls fences etc. a real mess! You would get covered and layered with it on a bike. (I should sell Kärcher power sprayers here!)
Baked it smooth side up with seams underneath. Doesn't look much different than yours! But I do see differences.
I had to let it ferment for quite some time before I put the dough into a cloth lined banneton, it is closer to over-proofed. I docked it, and I may have had a higher hydration. I want to try again and get more volume and height to the loaf. One hour was too long for my bake.
Why the 4 min. pause before adding the steam to the oven?
Okay...I will bite...what is potato cheese??
Both loaves look delicious! I have typically baked rye like Mini with the seam side down and I love the tearing that occurs. I'll have to try your version, Adrian, in which you withhold steam initially to get more pronounced ears.
and greek yoghurt, but getting real sour cream is a problem. too much other stuff in the ingredients list other than cream and culture. Garlic is good in there too. Let it chill a few hours and intensify.
Hey! there is even a wiki link with the pretzel gatch. Leave it to wiki! Box lunch will never be the same... A "must" addition to any Super Bowl Party. Now I'm getting myself homesick in both directions. Time to go stir something up in the kitchen. Rattle those pots and pans Austrian style! ...and thaw out some butter.
I think I just did something very bad, but so good! The Superbowl is on Ground Hog's Day, Feb 2nd.
I just combined equal parts of plastic cheese, Tostitos medium Salsa con Queso with yoghurt, Olypic Krema Greek yogourt 11%M.G. OMG! I cleaned up the bowl with slices of the rye, dipping and spooning onto slices. It's gone, went fast. I don't dare mix up any more! The yogourt fluffled up the heavy cheesy texture of that awful cheese dip and it is more like a Liptauer in taste.
As to my calendar that's tomorrow. Then again, It'll be after midnight here, so in more or less two days. Why on a Sunday? The Champions League Final always is on a Saturday as far as I know.
But now I know why there are so little new episodes of tv series broadcast this week. They don't want to compete with the super bowl. (Which on the other hand rises the rating of the super bowl as there is no competition). And I thought it was the Birthdays of Oprah and Ellen ;)
Ground Hog day is like in the film? I kind of liked it when I was younger. From now on I won't call it Candlemas any more but Groundhogmas ;)
"Tostitos" seems to be fake spanish name for small, well, I don't know. "tostaditos"?
What is plastic cheese. Is it what we call "American cheese" (for burgers, sadwichmaker, ....)? Small slices of processed cheese where every slice is individually wrapped in plastic?
"salsa con queso" hmmm "sauce with cheese"?
Well luckily I don't understand half of what you are writing. If I write "LALALALALA" loud enough, I cannot read what you wrote!
Well sometimes it is really funny how things taste well, if you mix them. Like Österkron (Austiran mould cheese) gratinated with marzipan (yes, not the other way around as you would expect from cheese), I once had in a restaurante.
But i'll still stick to my Obazda - the key to it is not to mix everything properly.