Help with good cinnamon raisin bread


I have a pretty good recipe for this bread and my machine has an add fruit and nut timer, but when I use this method, the cinnamon it's all mixed in and the raisins are crushed up??  Any suggestions for me?

 I'm looking for a GREAT recipe that has swirled cinnamon and whole raisins in the finished product!! 

Can anyone out there provide me with some suggestions and perhaps a terrific recipe??  It's my Favorite bread!!

 An amateur disabled bread maker!!

the dough from the bread machine, roll it out, sprinkle with the cinn-nut- raisin mixture, roll it back up shaping it, and plop it back into the machine to bake?

When the Bread Machine starts the final rise/proof, about 50 to 60 mins before the loaf is done, remove dough (and paddles if able). Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface, sprinkle dough lightly with flour and divide in half. Flatten each half into a rectangle and sprinkle on cinnamon sugar and raisins then roll into logs. Slice logs into 1" discs and add randomly to machine. Now you'll end up with swirls in all directions and an oddly, yet beautiful, loaf.


Place the raisins in a glass 2 Cup measuring cup, or similar, add a tablespoon of water and microwave for 1 minute. This softens the raisins and the raisins on the loaf surface are less likely to burn.
