Where can I purchase wheat berries in northern Califonia?

Profile picture for user Kneading One

Does anyone know where I might be able to purchase wheat berries around the Bay Area/Sacramento Valley areas? I typically get my flour from Harvest House, but I just bought a grinder (have not received it as of yet) and I am wanting to know of a source for getting a variety of wheat berries in bulk. Harvest House carries a very limited selection of wheat berries so I am on a quest to find where one can purchase wheat berries and have a choice of more than just hard red winter and soft spring wheat. Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello tchism,

Thank you very much for the reply and the link. I joined the "Community Grains" website in hopes of finding out about the available wheats/markets. I will have to look up the Winco markets and see where the closest one is to me. I have found numerous online stores that ship wheat berries, but that is more than obviously cost prohibitive. So this saga deepens and we will see how it comes out. Thank you for you reply once again.


a variety of grains  and Sprouts a limited amount now that they have pulled them all out of their bins adn prepackage them..

Eatwell Farm in Dixon, CA. is growing wheat right now and will probably be selling locally later this year.  They grow several different heirloom varieties.  I liked their Expresso hard red wheat the best.  They have also grown farro and sonora varieties in past years.

Nigel Walker, Eatwell farmer and owner, sells his organic produce at the San Francisco Farmers Market every Saturday.  He also has a CSA(community support agriculture).


Hello linder,

Thank you for your reply. I will check Eatwell Farms out and see what they have going on. Your time and effort is very much appreciated. Richard