Hello. I am new to this and new to bread baking. Have been trying all types of recipes from several books but cannot seem to find out how to calculate adding oat groats and other types of grain to bread. Is there a ratio to follow? Do the grains need to be soaked first? Any assistance would be GREAT! Thank you in advance!
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There is not a set ratio for adding grains (AFAIK) but 20% of the flour weight in grain would be a good place to start. You should soak the grains to soften them up using water from the formula\recipe, i.e if the formula calls for 400ml of water use 200-300ml to soak the grain, this is not a rule though. How long to soak will vary with the grains your using and your own schedule, I soak the grains for about two hours before mixing.
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Thanks for the info on grains. I plan to try a grain bread this week. So far, I have added Amarynth, oats and bran to a loaf, but I was following a recipe in a book. I am looking forward to my own recipe - whole wheat with some nutty grains thrown in...
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Yeah, I'm in agreement with KazaKhan that the safest place to start would be in the 10-20% grain-t-flour range and to soak them. Taste that and if you want it grainer, add more next time.
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