Commercial Diosna Spiral mixer, need input


Hey ya'll let me start out by saying thank you for answering a question I know you have seen a million times!  I have been running a bagel based cottage food operation for the last year and I think we are gonna finally graduate and move up into a commercial kitchen space.  The one thing we will for sure need to purchase is a spiral mixer.  And after many months of searching I believe I've found something that could work.  There is a man in my area that is selling a 80qt Diosna Spiral mixer model number SP80 D in very good condition for $4,000.  I have very limited experience with spiral mixers and I'm ultimately just looking for some advice.

Opinions on the brand?

Does the price seem fair?

Thank you in advance for all of your help!

Profile picture for user ananda

Hi SadieBear,

Here is a link to the specifications: although it is not terribly informative.

For 50kg of flour capacity, I suspect the machine will run on 3-phase, so make sure your premises have 3-phase electricity available.

I would want to know the following about the mixer.   Will the bowl run in both directions for both speeds?   That set-up provides the quickest and most effective mixing methods..

Best wishes


ps. I am UK-based, so will not comment on the price.

Thanks Andy,

I found that semi-informative pamphlet right off the bat, and was disappointed by the lack of details.  The space we are thinking about moving into has 3 phase electricity.  And the mixer runs in both directions for both speeds.