Hello from the South Coast of England

Profile picture for user Lazybakery

Afternoon (Morning / evening) everyone. I live in Rye (appropriately enough) on the South coast of England and I've been baking very occasionally with varying degrees of success for a couple of years now.

About 6 months ago some friends clubbed together to send me on a baking course for my birthday (nice friends!) which proved to be a lightbulb moment for me - A good teacher giving sound guidance and advice and suddenly I could bake good (in mine and my wife's opinion!) bread.

I now find I'm baking 3 or 4 times a week for friends and family around my little town and dreaming of starting my own micro-bakery (The Lazy Bakery).

I would attach a photo of some recent loaves but have to work out how to resize them as they are all over 2mb (can anyone help please?)

Anyway, I look forward to interracting with everyone on here!

Edit: Below is a picture of a white loaf with Caraway seeds I made for the in-laws at the weekend (thanks to FloydM for advice on resizing). For this loaf I soak the seeds in Anisette for 24hours to give a little extra oomph to the flavour,

Welcome, Lazybaker!

Image programs like iPhoto often have an option like "Export for Web..." that let you specify smaller file sizes.  If you can't find anything like that, there are also free online photo resizers you can use.

Hello and welcome from the East Midlands. A micro bakery sounds great and the bread looks lovely. Lucky friends and family.

Profile picture for user ElPanadero

Nice looking loaf, be sure to add photos of the inside crumb too when you are able.

As far as photos are concerned, if you have a PC or laptop with Windows on it then you have the standard application called Paint in the Accessories section.  Load a photo into Paint, then in the Home menu at the top select Resize.  Change the Horizontal and Vertical values (which are percentages) to something smaller than the default 100%, start with 50% and this will halve the size of the picture.  If it's still too big, keep resizing it down until you're happy.  Then from the "File" menu or main menu on the left in blue, select Save As and save your new photo with a new name.  Easy peasy :-)  GL.

Profile picture for user Lazybakery

In reply to by ElPanadero

Thanks EP, sadly the loaf was given to my in-laws at the weekend and already devoured so no crumb pictures!

Also thanks for resizing tips, just done it your way and posted to photos section fine