Hi all !

Profile picture for user jims

I have just signed up here.

It was about a year ago that I started baking bread. Books from the local library got me started, Peter Reinhart's at first, then Chad Robertson's. After a summer hiatus I'm back at it. I'm now trying to improve my attempts at the Tartine basic country loaf. The family likes the taste and texture of this bread better than any other I've baked. This is my latest try. It's not as shapely as some of my earlier ones, but I think the crumb is the best so far.



Photo Dec 31, 6 39 00 PM

Good looking bread, I'd eat some for sure!



My wife, who is a fabulous cook, already had one. She is letting me use it. :) It's a Lodge seasoned cast iron, not enameled. The lid has a fixed handle so I can't use it upside down. That is, as shown in the book with the pot on top of the lid/skillet. I think pretty much any DO will work.

