I just received a new kitchen aid 8 qt mixer for christmas. I am currently attempting to mix about 7 pounds of dough in it and it can barely mix it. it takes about one revolution every 5 seconds and sounds miserable. i just can't believe the almost 2 horse motor is this wimpy...anyone else have this problem>??????
in fact, the motor is SMOKING. It was having a hard time with just a pound of whole wheat pasta dough last night. what is going on? my 5 qt. kitchen aid was stronger than this....
Get a refund.. and get something with more power. The Bosch Universal is a heck of a machine... or.. hydrate the dough more. Not sure if that is even a solution for you.
I was tempted to buy a ("Black Monday" deal) 6-qt. "Professional". I hardly ever use it, because I can't mix bread doughs with it.
My 7-qt Cuisinart, on the contrary, is a real work horse, it handles heaviest doughs without problem (for 2 regular sized loaves). For larger batches I have a 20-qt Hobart.
Beats me why KA still gets good reviews.
There are those who report good results with a new KA. I think that if you do not attempt bread dough, the machine can be okay. Overall the new KA's seem to be inferior machines that should be avoided if you intend to use it for bread dough. Save your money for a real mixer.
My Cuisinart handles heavy dough just fine. Even "walked" off the counter, landing on a tile floor and still works.
It can't mix seven pounds of dough because it was never meant to be able to. Basically what you are doing is this: