Wide oven door thoughts?


Hoping to get some feedback about building an oven with a wide door, as seen on some commercial ovens. I'm thinking about doing some commercial baking in my oven, and loading, repositioning loaves, and unloading through the small, traditionally sized door can get to be a pain.

I've seen commercial ovens with wide doors that swing-down, guillotine style and spring-loaded doors that swing up and out of the way. 

Wood fired. Issue is maintaining the right volume and geometry of the opening when firing, yet being able to open wide for quick loading and unloading. It can take a very long time to load and unload three dozen loaves through a small opening.

Double barn door style, maybe? Leave them both just a little open when firing? Just one door open?

Width of the door is not an issue.  The height of the door in relation to the top of the oven is the important factor.  I would need to look it up but I think the door should be 63% (?) of the oven height.


If u are talking wood fired oven you should check out turtle rock masonry.  They came up with door/loader that is like u speak of. 


Thanks for the replies. The Turtle Rock is the right idea. Actually, the post near or adjacent to this one titled new build just started at 


has this drawing of what I'm wanting to build. If picture this design with a wide door that swings up or down with a a sliding firing vent in the middle, or maybe a series of three small doors, then you know where I am coming from.