

Hi, just joined the forum after getting a bread machine.  Hoping to ask lots of questions to get started.  Made a couple basic loaves already. It will be quite a while before I attempt making it by hand, if ever.

But, I'm hoping to make something similar to the La Brea Whole Grain Loaf we buy at Costco.  What are the best sources for recipes that I can make, at least, part way with the bread machine (West Bend High Rise). Thanks!

Welcome to The Fresh Loaf, and I hope you enjoy your stay! There are lots of people on here that can help you get the most out of your bread. I don't bake with whole grain breads, but several on here do, and a bunch of them have bread machines, too. For a quick start, try using the search box at the upper right of this screen. There is a huge wealth of information at your fingertips there, and you may even find all you're looking for! Don't be shy about asking specific questions about challenges you're facing, or things you're curious about. And, the more details you can give, the better your answers will be.