What size Banneton Brotform?

Profile picture for user kensbread01

What's the best size to get for making 500 gm loaf of bread?  Any good sources to buy?

I'm thinking these would make an excellent form for my future breads.  I am trying to visualize how I might flip a bread onto a hot skillet...  perhaps flipping to a parchment paper on the counter top and then placing in the skillet.  i'm using a cast iron dutch oven and like parchment paper on bottom since it help keep some of the iron out of the bread.

Here's a pretty good list of dough sizes and brotforms.  Personally I use a 8" brotform for 500 gram - 600 gram doughs, and use a 9" for 1000 gram doughs.

Two common ways to manage baking bread in a dutch oven (non combo cooker):

1) parchment paper used to transfer, as you noted

2) bake with a cold dutch oven.

There's a lot of discussion on using a cold dutch oven.  I couldn't get as good of bake with this method, but others seem to have made it work.

Here's my weeknight 600 gram boules, using an 8" brotform, baked in a combo cooker.

artisan bread combo cooker

Here are two loaves identical recipe and baking specs.  One was done in a more shallow 10” and the other was done in a taller more rounded  9”.  Each loaf weighed 900 grams before baking.  I ordered the 9” from King Arthur and I just ordered another one.  Don’t know where they are made.  Like the looks of the ones from SFBI also.  Might order one of their smaller ones.  FYI I’m a new baker so my loaves aren’t perfect in other ways either but this seemed like a no brainer height-wise to me anyway.  Guess I have to add that the short one stayed refrigerated an extra hour while the first one baked and the combo cooker was brought back up to 500 degrees.  Thought I would post to this older thread since I was looking for info myself.  
