We haven’t made English Muffins for a while and wanted to up the whole grains and use YW for the leaven. We used the 25% sifted out portion of our whole grain milling to feed the YW levain so this has the effect of being 4 times that amount being whole grain for calculations. Thee grains milled were rye, whole wheat, spelt, farro and Kamut.
We did a 2 stage levain build that took 12 hours and then added it to the dough four and milk at 9 PM the night before - less the salt, sugar, baking soda and vinegar. We mixed it with a spoon and left it on the counter overnight until 6 AM the next morning.
The rest of the ingredients were added the next morning and distributed thoroughly with 4 minutes of kneading. We added the vingar to activate the baking soda since there was no SD acid to do so. We rolled the dough out to a little less than ½” and cut out the muffins with a plastic glass.
The EM’s were places on parchment sprinkled with semolina, semolina was sprinkled on top of the EM’s and then they were covered with Plastic and allowed to proof for 45 minutes.
An electric fry pan was heated to 340 F and the EM’s were grilled on both sides for 5 minutes each side until brown and then they were moved to a cooling rack. These came out well puffed up, with decent holes but no sour taste. A perfect recipe match for those who want a healthy, non sour, English muffin. We liked them right out of the pan with butter and jam or toasted.
Oregon Red Raspberry Jam seemed to work OK. Yummy!
Breakfast EM Sandwiches - toasted EM's with medium caramelized minneola marmalade, Apple wood smoked and maple cured bacon, a mushroom omelet with habanero jack cheese inside and Co-jack on the outside. Surrounded with sliced peach, strawberries, red raspberries and sweet cantaloupe.
| Build 1 | Build 2 | Total | % |
Yeast Water | 100 | 0 | 100 | 23.20% |
AP | 50 | 0 | 50 | 11.60% |
25% Sifted Rye and Wheat Bran | 50 | 25 | 75 | 17.40% |
Total | 200 | 25 | 225 | 17.40% |
YW Levain |
| % |
Flour | 125 | 29.00% |
Water | 100 | 23.20% |
Hydration | 80.00% |
Levain % of Total | 28.37% |
Dough Flour |
| % |
White Whole Wheat | 72 | 16.71% |
AP | 234 | 54.29% |
Dough Flour | 306 | 71.00% |
Salt | 8 | 1.86% |
Milk | 254 | 58.93% |
Dough Hydration | 83.01% |
Total Flour | 431 | 100.00% |
Milk 254, Water | 354 | 82.13% |
T. Dough Hydration | 82.13% |
% Whole Grain Flour | 69.61% |
Total Weight | 793 |
1 T of sugar, 1 tsp each baking soda and vinegar |
| ||
& 8 g of salt added the next morning |
| |
Before the kneading, rolling and cutting |
- dabrownman's Blog
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... scrumptious, dabrownman!!!
What type of yeast water did you use?
Have a great week!
it started out at a minnieola tangelo one. Then i converted it to apple and now it is apple and half cherry. No sour but it works just fine in place of commercial yeast in any recipe. Here is s a picture and these were pretty tasty too!
Happy baking
And that blend of grains sounds delicious, too. Wolferman's got nothing on you!
of Wolferman's crumb. This is a good blend of whole grains. On Wednesday we are going to do a 100% whole grain bagel SD YW bagel using a similar approach using the 25% sifted out portion to feed the SD levain and using YW as the liquid for it :-) That should be interesting,.
You would like thesPar Wolferman's EM's Paul
Happy baking
They'd go darned well with ham, poached free range eggs and decent hollandaise sauce to make a really lovely eggs benny!
correct and eggs bennie would be good using these EM's. What a great Idea Rural!
Happy baking
Great looking Muffins, DA!
Inspiring work.
ones that I make from kjknits recipe even though they don't have much sour because the baking soda cancels it our.. But, it you don't like sour at all then might as well make these instead. Now for 100% whole grain SD YW bagels. That should be a real heavy load:-) Hopefully the YW will open them up some.
Happy baking Khalid
apple and cherry yeast water English muffins.. mmmm must give this a try. good with afternoon tea with my ladies friends!! thanks dabrownman.. inspiring
I will be making some Eggs Benedict out of them sometime next weekend - also have to be good with tea as in tea with crumpets. Your friends will love them just toasted with butter and jam.
Glad you liked them Evon. Happy baking
Looks good, Dab! Has been a long, long while since I last used YW and... Frankly, I think I'm infatuated with sourdough, haha. Nonetheless, I wouldn't mind having your English muffins in the form of egg benedicts.
Have a jolly baking,
Recipes that call for commercial yeast or SD with a commercial yeast booster it comes in handy as a replacement. I'm using it in a 100% whole grain SD bagel recipe as a replacement for the commercial yeast booster that sane people would use :-) SD is m favorite for all kinds of reasons but it really bugs me when commercial yeast is the most expensive thing going in the dough too. I would rather put some seeds,,nuts and fruits in the dough for the same price using natural yeast instead .
Happy baking Zita
Ok now Lucy is happy and Max too!
Looks like you got some beauties out of this batch. Time for me to follow suit soon!
Im saving your post so I can try this formula soon.
and cherry yeast water, you are one of the few who could actually make this recipe :-) You will like it even though these end up being 70% whole grain. Very tasty indeed.
Lucy keeps asking 'Where is Max? Go find him you doofus! No Excuses!"
Glad you like the EM's Ian and Happy baking
Congrats on such great english muffins with so much whole grain! Healthy and without giving up quality or integrity of the original. I am counting the days to be down there again and having english muffins for breakfast again, sipping on a coffee in the back yard listening to the birds and sitting in my ginch because it's so hot out already at 7am!
I will have to try these out.
have been great for Canadians in AZ. They really bought up the real estate when it wast cheap and getting their dream winter home at prices we wiil never see again. You didn't come until it started getting hot - most Canadians are gone by Easter wanting to be home with family then - plus it too hot here by then. But, you like the hot ....and it is only going to be 110 F this week :-)
These are some fairly healthy EM's if you don't count all the stuff you put on them. It's been 20 hours in the fridge for the 100% whole grain bagels. Can't wait to see what they look like. Stiffest dough I have ever hand kneaded - and we have made a lot of bagels - not the Montreal kind - the NY kind. My wife has to buy Einstein's as a result :-)
Happy baking John
Please do post your 100% wholegrain EM's.
Yes, my parent's lucked out in finding the place in Mesa while the prices were really good. They will be staying down there yearly from end of October to April. After that they run the risk of the 6 month + whipping from the US govmnt. I was curious when down there what the seniors in the community thought of us Canadians...are we looked down upon, or in a good light? I can imagine the people that have had hard times in the economical downturn don't really like seeing all the Canadians come in and snatch up homes. I don't know if I got honest answers from the people I asked :)
here give a hoot about Canadian retirees. Some of us are having too god a time making bread and limocello! If they had money they too took advantage of low home prices - especially 3 years ago - a steal and fire sale all at the same time.. Canadians don't compete for jobs, pay property taxes to support schools and sales taxes to support local cost of government. They spend money so others have jobs to support them and their every need and want. I think they are a godsend myself as do most others. Plus, about the time anyone starts to get tied of them or rub you the wrong way, they up and leave for half a year-so you forget all about it :-) No worries.
The lines at the liquor stores are ungodly long though because the taxes are so high in Canada they really booze it up here thinking it is a cheap as water for them. Then in April they are buying out the stores to smuggle hooch back into Canada to tie them over for 6 months. Can't blame them for that - and they love prickly pear margaritas.
Pasted the 100^% whole grain bagels earlier today/
Sorry misread...no 100% whole grain EM :(
Problem with Baking Soda
I pretty much followed the formula n time, apart from I used all WW in the final dough. It raised Fine in the pan, crumb is a bit tight due to lowered hydration.
The biggest problem I encountered is with the baking soda taste. could it be I undercooked the muffins or not enough vinegar to full activate baking soda added?
Thank you
were under cooked. I've only made these a couple of times and never noticed the dreaded BS taste. This recipe was converted over from the kjknits SD version where no vinegar was required. I will make them again and see what happens. Sorry yours didn't taste like they should. It could be there isn't enough vinegar or my BS might be old.
I guess it could be my bs is not good, sometimes I do have this issue with muffins, it's a funny issue where it comes on and off.