The last bread we are making for Thanksgiving is Mini’s Rye Bread at 100% hydration sans Chia seeds but adding a Munich Dopplebock, some soaker water, flax seed and yeast water to the mix and deleting the gargantuan pine nuts she found in Chili. Her bake is found here:
Mini's 100% Dark Rye & Chia Recipe ...Love at 104% hydration
Her times were much faster than mine when it came to development and final proof and I added an hour to each of them and it probably could have been more. My beer and soaker water was 38 F. The one procedure change was to retard the levain for more than 24 hours in the fridge after the 3rd feeding and then letting it come to room temperature.
We used a regular loaf pan for this bread since we don’t have one thin tall and long like Mini does. No worries we just have a wide short not nearly as long loaf in the end. Our baking time was 1 hour and 15 minutes instead of an hour. Our mini oven only goes in 25 degree increments so we had to bake at 350 F instead of 365 F like she did. We baked it to 202 F on the inside.
The bread browned up OK and the crust was very hard when it came out of the oven. !8 hours later, being wrapped on plastic wrap after it cooled the crust has gone softer but still substantial and we ho[e it goes even ,more soft over the next 24 – 30 hours before we slice it. So have to wait on the crumb shot another day.
This loaf smelled great baking with the aromatic seeds predominating. We are finishing up making some red and white malt using rye and barley and hope to get around making some SD crackers using rye for one and whole wheat for the other.
White Chicken Green Chili and a smoked pork and cheddar melt sandwich with this bread for lunch.
The crumb came out moist and open or a bread of this kind. The crumb did soften as the moisture redistributed but was still not nearly as soft as a pumpernickel. Baking this to 202 F might have bee too high but it still sliced well. The walnut taste came though well which was an unusual taste for a bread like this. Perfect for the holidays and putting cheese and meat snacks on.
The Double T - Grilled Tuna and Talapia
| Build 1 | Build 2 | Build 3 | Total | % |
RyeSD Starter | 15 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 3.24% |
Yeast Water | 30 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 6.49% |
Whole Rye | 15 | 25 | 32 | 72 | 15.57% |
Water | 0 | 25 | 17 | 42 | 9.08% |
Total | 60 | 50 | 49 | 159 | 27.89% |
RyeSD Levain |
| % |
Whole Rye | 80 | 17.19% |
Water | 80 | 17.19% |
Hydration | 100.00% |
Levain % of Total | 14.72% |
Dough Flour |
| % |
Whole Rye | 383 | 82.81% |
Dough Flour | 383 | 82.81% |
Salt | 10 | 2.16% |
Soaker 210 & Dopplebock 173 | 383 | 82.81% |
Dough Hydration | 100.00% |
Total Flour | 463 | 100.00% |
Soaker 210 & Dopplebock 173, Water 80 | 463 | 100.00% | 80 g of Water |
| |
T. Dough Hydration | 100.00% |
% Whole Grain | 100.00% |
Total Weight | 1,080 |
Add - Ins |
| % |
Ground Flax, Sesame Seed | 15 | 3.24% |
Bread Spice | 10 | 2.16% |
Walnuts | 50 | 10.81% |
Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds | 70 | 15.14% |
Total | 145 | 31.35% |
The kind of fall we get in Gilbert, AZ - red and green leat lettuce!
- dabrownman's Blog
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hydration - with DOPPELBOCK... The taste must be very interesting, with all that beer inside
as it ages, Was the perfect slice for a smoked pork sandwich with melted cheddar cheese for lunch. Can't taste the beer at all though. I usually can't taste the beer in bread very much even if it the entire liquid in it. This is an easy bread to make and you get a lot of flavor with little effort and time spent.
Happy baking FZ
I'm always enjoying the last slices. Just thawed out half a loaf.
butter, brie, and blue berries... butter and blue cheese... pork drippings and thinly sliced onion, whisper of salt or capers...
gets better with age especially when toasted with butter, marmalade, melted pepper jack cheese, apple wood smoked bacon and topped with a caramelized onion and mushroom, aged cheddar omelet for breakfast - can't be beat. This is a bread where the walnut grow on you. Thanks for the recipe Mini!
Nice hefty Rye, DA!
Well done!
Khalid. mini's recipe is a good one for sure - you would like it!
Happy baking!
Another beauty DA. I really like the formula for this one and it looks like it made a perfect sandwich melt. Surprised the beer didn't come through more but I'm sure it added something to the overall flavor.
any extra flavor but when you have dopplebock sitting in the fridge why not? It had to add some kind of depth to the flavor but i'm just not good enough to taste it with all the double chocolate stout going into other breads around here lately..... the double chocolate stout would have been a good add for this bread come to think of it.
The only thing left to bake is an apple sour cream pie with pecans and walnuts on top - not for Thanksgiving but just to tide us over desert wise until then.... glad you liked the post and safe travels to NC
Rye looks stellar. Very nice even crumb. That is what I'm trying to get too. I think I have I'll get it on my next attempt. But that'll be after the holiday.
Nice baking
loaf so far i have to say it growing on me. The sun finally came out so we could get some decent photos of the crumb that do it justice. I'm starting to like the walnuts in the bread too. Wish i had a better pan to bake it in though - hopefully Goodwill to the rescue. I'm sure you will get it just the way you like it next time. I'm thinking Mini a& Rye is like Peaches & Pie.
Happy holidays to you and yours Josh.
I just love walnuts & rye!
I've found that english walnuts tend to round out a fresh new rye starter, so folks, don't be afraid to add them with those first rye sourdough loaves. Once you're hooked, ... I think the only reason they keep walnut trees around are for rye breads. Naturally I'm a little biased. (I have yet to try black walnuts in my bread.) Rye not?
Peaches & Pie, you are so cute! :) (blush)
I find that fermenting times are not a constant with various rye flours. I like my mixer bowl at the moment because I can't find long narrow pans yet. So DB, you are not alone in your pan search.
Happy Holidays, Mini o Rye
I put walnuts in rye was in Phil's Walnut and Sage Super Human Rye bread. It had walnut oil in it too that turned the crumb purple. That bread was very tasty too. I suppose Lucy will have to expand here very limited ingredient list for rye to include walnuts to go along with all the other seeds, beer, sprouts, scalds, Janet's gruel, Karin and your aromatic seeds. It is Lucy's favorite bread so everything has to go in the mix it seems.
Lucy loves the Mini and Rye is like Peaches and Pie tag! We will find some pans one day. I have some cocktail rye pans that might have been better but they are too wide for the height too.
The oven just beeped for the Pear and Cranberry Pie!