Dough Docker - 2" tines?

Profile picture for user Gadjowheaty

Hello everyone -

In my continuing efforts to acquire every arcane piece of fermentation gear possible before I leave this mortal coil (and because I just think they look really, really cool), I'm looking into a dough docker for my Detmolder trials, but I've not seen anything close to J. Hamelman's mentioned 2" tines - the closest I've seen have been about 7/8", in plastic (which appeals to me, more than the metal).  Anyone have one in the length, or otherwise have experience with a dedicated docker they like? 

Many thanks,



You could pick up a wooden roller (like a paint roller) and drill holes yourself and set wooden pegs into it.  Commercial dockers are quite expensive.  

7/8" looks pretty good and a great price too!  LINK

Mini, thanks.  In a word, my wife has had it with my building my time, a half barrel brewing system with accompanying 3-4 kegs in a converted fridge, and a true english cask system, with cask and pint puller, all in our liviing room; and 3 converted refrigerators smeared with recovered alpine cultures and used to make tommes gruyeres, reblochons - said refrigerators, complete with digital humidifiers, soaked towels and anything else to try and get up to 98% humidity, in our, um, bedroom; and a multiplier press in our dining room, to press the gruyeres.  I have to admit, I'm tired of doing anything handy, too - because I'm not...I'm just obsessive about food and provenance, lol!

Wow, that was more than "in a word," lol.  I've seen many of your posts and admire what you do, so I'm very glad to see that 7/8" solution seems doable to you.  I thought a full 2" would be pretty long!

Thanks very much, look forward to reading more of your thoughts. 


Hahah, yeah, well - I play gypsy swing and was under the illusion we were going caravan.  Sounds like the 2nd bedroom makes better sense. 

Thanks again. :)
