last leaves

Hello everyone,

The leaves are a blaze of color this fall, but quickly dropping from the trees, some trees already bare.

This afternoon, despite the breeze, there were a few brightly-colored leaves hanging on.

My friend's daughter likes dark rye bread, so I baked Mr. Hamelman's 80% Rye with a Rye-Flour Soaker for her.

After baking, I turned the loaf this way and that, and thought perhaps when facing a certain direction the pattern on the crust might look like a tree ready for winter, leaves shed, branches bare.


Now, there are lots of leaves are on the ground, a bit of color to enjoy again, this season.


Happy fall, and happy baking, everyone!
:^) breadsong 

Love that pattern and I'm sure the inside looks as nice as the outside.  Very pretty photography as well.



Hi Ian,
Thank you so much. The pattern was unintended, but ended up being perfect for our current season.
You compliment on the photos is so appreciated, as I always enjoy your garden photos!
You make me want to be a more adventuresome baker (with all of the interesting flavor combinations you create), and you make me want to be a better gardener, too.
:^) breadsong

make me miss autumn. I love the bread that really looks perfect together your autumn pictures. I once saw a really great looking bread where the baker put a leave shape on the crust. It reminds me of your bake. Well done.

The seed patterns on Franko's loaves were very pretty, weren't they!
You could probably cut your own leaf stencil. I've done that, using acetate, or even plain paper (a cutting mat is helpful, for a cutting surface).
This is a leaf pattern I've used, using a stencil I found at a craft store.

Would like to use this one again, with fine yellow cornmeal instead of flour (thinking of the beautiful yellow leaves and the bright fall color, in these gorgeous photos Marcus shared!).

:^) breadsong



exactly what I meant. Does that not look awesome, together with your really beautiful autumn pictures. You guys are artists :) I have to give that a try once..., thank you so much :^)

If you want to see really, really gorgeous loaves, beautifully stencilled, check out these posts by MC-Farine: (this post has a tutorial on stenciling) (lovely pear shaped-stencil) (floral beauty)

Happy stenciling!
:^) breadsong

for me to read, learn from and adapt. Now the temp dropped here to 18 degrees C and I feel in an autumn mood. Got to get backing soon but my climate box is not ready yet.

Hi Tim,
Thank you - I'm glad you could see the tree pattern too.
I wondered if it might be a stretch of the imagination?
:^) breadsong

Profile picture for user varda

bread and leaves and bread leaves.  -Varda

I don't enjoy your beautiful rye bread but the beautifully crafted pictures of the last of the fall leaves really makes it for one who grew up with them but no longer sees them very often in the desert southwest - except when photographed so well.- You filled my day with nostalgia and fine bread.  Thanks and

Happy baking breadsong

Hi dabrownman,
I'm so glad the photos of the leaves bring back happy memories of fall trees.
Here are a couple of more colorful leaves for you :^)

Thank you so much - your compliments on the photos and bread are so kind!
:^) breadsong

Hi Khalid,
What a nice compliment on this bread - thank you so much!
It was such a coincidence, this pattern emerging on the bread, just at the right time of year.
:^) breadsong