To banneton or not banneton

Profile picture for user Casey_Powers

I really like the look of the rustic banneton.  It also makes (in my humble opinion) my boules easier to move.  They feel more firm.  The boule with the C is a total natural seem opening.  Not bad, it almost looks like I placed a C on my boule myself.  Well, when I do 4 boules with 2 bannetons it does provide options for those that may prefer one to the other. 

Warm Regards,


I use a small wicker basket and line it with a well-floured kitchen towel. The look is homey, but not as gorgeous as your banneton loaf. Very pretty.

Thank you so much for the compliment!  I am on the look out for some baskets to do just what you are talking about. I do love that natural look of a basket!  It speaks to me of homey goodness!  I just have some bowls right now and the bannetons.  

Warm Regards,


Nice loaves Casey.  Keep in mind bannetons are essential to some loaves having a higher profile.  Wet doughs benefit from the bowl allowing them to grow taller than they could without.  With stiffer doughs you get more options on how to proof.  Even a bowl with a towel is an option if nothing else is available although its best if its breathable.  

Nice Baking



yes, I was thinking of pure aesthetics!  I am such a female.  However, this is something I will keep in mind as I bake other breads.  Perspective is key!

Warm Regards,
