Looking for a formula that does not use a mature sourdough starter but instead a biga/poolish type of preferment, but also has whole grain flour or at the very least whole wheat flour. I have looked through the site and can not really find much whole grain/whole wheat breads that use a non-sourdough starter preferment. Maybe there's a reason for this?
Formulas with any of the following flours would be appreciated:
Spelt, Stone ground whole wheat, Whole wheat, Rye
Hi John,
Funny you should ask as I just happen to have made something along that line earlier this week. Not sure if the formula below is exactly what you're looking for, but adjust the ingredients and percentages any which way you see fit. The formula as is makes a good everyday loaf for sandwiches, is fairly quick to make and has excellent flavour. Hope this helps, and if you have any questions just ask and I'll get back to you.
All the best,
I've made the sponge recipe on page 8:
I like it best with yogurt or buttermilk, IMO. Haven't tried keeping the sponge longer than overnight.
Forkish has a 50% whole wheat with biga, with all the white flour in the biga and all the whole wheat in the final dough...
loaf looks killer. You can also convert any SD recipe you like to poolisj by dropping the SD and taking 15 % of the total flour and water to make the poolish. Once the poolish is near ripe, just autolyse the rest of the flour and water and go about making bread like you always do - things will just happen faster is all - probably no need for a retard.
Happy baking John
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think I will go with Franko's formula less the malt. Maggie, your spelt idea sounds nice too. Dabrownman, thanks for that info...does poolish act any different with whole grain flours than a sourdough culture? I think I am over thinking this poolish thing.