Alan Scott Oven:

Profile picture for user Davidkatz

Ok - 

My steel base for my semi - portable #AlanScott oven arrived!

Next step: Pouring the insulation layer and hearth slab.

Very interested in following this thread. I built and operate a smaller Alan Scott oven at my home.

Are you following Ovencrafter's plans strictly, or making modifications?

I built the steel base so I can be portable and move the oven when its time to rent space and increase production.

At that time I'll probably build a smaller Alan Scott (from the book) at home.


I'm not sure how important the center beam is - I put it in anyway for support.


The key is to separate the hearth slab from the base in order to have a thermal gap and maintain consistant oven temperature.


Also - I plan to add thermal blankets under the vermiculite - I think Scott's Layer is too thin. In the plans they also recommed adding mre insulation.



Fun, fun!  I love my Alan Scott oven too!  It's so sweet!!!

Best of success to you!  The Yahoo "Brick Oven" group was a SUPER GREAT HELP, you should check it out! :)

Keep us posted!  I love to see all the pics!! :)


I plan to keep a log of my progress here ...

Today 4 of us moved the frame to the slab in the yard  - 

Tomorrow we bring the fire bricks and set a time to get the vermiculite.

I also plan to add some more insulation under the vermiculite....

Wow, well, that's a big job!  So your planning on moving that puppy?!  Goodness, that'd be interesting!! ;)

Yeah, my oven was covered in a Foam Glass blanket! ;)  I think extra insulation is a very good idea!  How exciting!  I did love building mine, but at the end...I never wanted to see another bag of cement,...ever!  Haha!! :) 

Profile picture for user Davidkatz

Having Trouble posting pics....

Movin that thing was quite the "schlep"

Ah, yeah, I can imagine!! :)  Mine is just the vault style Alan model.  Went mostly off the book, but did things a tad different.  Now, if I had it to do over, I wouldn't make the corners rounded!  It kinda messes with my pans, and I think that taking the fire out would actually be easier with square corners, versus rounded ones.  But...hey, woulda, shoulda, coulda, huh?!!  Haha!!  I'm sure your oven is going to be sweet!  Can't wait to see it! 

Hello Faith:

Nice to see the picture of your oven. I noticed that the one in the picture (Oct.29) is completely different than the one I saw before in your web site.  Is this your 2nd one? Do you bake bread in this 2nd one or the first large one?  I am so jealous of any one who has wood fire oven. Hope that I can have one in my life time. A smallish one though.




That's not me!  I understand the confusion.  I read Faith's post and thought to myself with my old and feeble mind "I did not post that" 

We still need to get together and do some baking...perhaps in the spring???

Faith (the other Faith)


Well, its been a while - But we are back in the oven building business.

Do I need to remove the ply in order for the oven to "cure and thoroughly dry out" (Scot Plans)

Or can I leave the cement board in?



Hello Faith:

 I wrote to you a big long "personal "message" but I can't sent it. ???? something about you do not accept "Personal message.  Really?  Don't know what went wrong.

so, perhaps, we can get in touch more on e-mail? I don't want to write a big long message which is personal that everyone can read. Love to come to you place in spring. So please send me e-mail or go to my face book page "SML International cooking School.  O.K. ?






