Lucy is Runner Up with Her Mice Guarding the Pumpkin Entry

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Lucy is so excited in finding out that her Mice and Pumpkin won runner up in the Arizona Republic’s Halloween Baking Contest.  She won a gift card and this Wednesday she has her entry featured in the Food and Drink section of the newspaper along with the winner and the other runner up.


She has been beside herself all day yet managed to produce one of the best bakes ever today.  She is on a hot streak and I’m guessing poor Max will have hard time measuring up to her new standards for baking and companionship.

DA these look wonderful!  Congrats on both your and Lucy's achievement.  The ensemble looks so wonderfully fall.  

Warm regards,


Profile picture for user Foodzeit

with that piece of art they should be coming out on top, of course. Congrats from China

Great job in the bake.  The shaping of the Pumpkin and Mice are terrific.



thanks to everyone for your congratulations!  Never seen her so excited.  She looks forward to next year's bake off competition and already has an idea to win top prize a year from now.

Happy baking

to tell Lucy that there were probably only 3 people who entered the contest.   The newspaper will also definitely publish her comment that,  because of the plague, she really couldn't eat the mice, no matter how delicious she thought they might be:-)  Right now she is sort of looking at me like I might be her dinner!

Thanks from Lucy and happy baking Paul.

Oh, I'm so happy for both of you.  I can just imagine how exciting winning the contest must be. Lucy, might be looking for a promotion to say, baker assistant.  

Sorry I took so long to get here.  It's been a bit of a rush around here lately and in my younger working days they did have a nic name for me...Slow Motion, ha, ha, that can be an asset : )


Congratulations!  I can just feel your excitement about winning the contest and future contest.  

Being a bit of an artist myself 'humm humm, lol'  I can say you both are very talented and well deserving of the award.  

Has Lucy suggested a promotion to baker asst. yet : ) a ribbon or two.  Maybe a blue one next grooming : )


now and only a gold and purple ribbon will do from on :-)  She went looking in TFL archives for next year's entry and, knowing her, she will need a year's worth of practice!  I just promoted her to 2nd Baking Apprentice in Waiting which kind of ticked her off a little bit I think  She did finish 2nd with her entry after all but there is no 1st or 2nd Baking Apprentice's around here either.

She can't figure out why she has to wait for an apprentice that doesn't exist who is 2nd in line to another apprentice that doesn't exist.  I told her no worries and that she is now 3rd in the Apprentice Hierarchy which was definitely better than her 4th position she held the day before.  She seems to be happy enough about that with tail wagging and promptly fell contentedly asleep at her master's feet.

Wait till she finds out her new position requires her to feed and water herself from now on! 

Lucy thanks you for the promotion Sylvia and

Happy baking

something Sylvia!  I hope Floyd gets this fixed soon.  Anyway I was saying that I promoted Lucy to 2nd Baking Apprentice in Waiting after your suggestion, from her old 3rd Baking Apprentice position.  She did finish 2nd to the promotion was in order and well deserved.  I think Lucy was a little ticked off though.  There aren't any 2nd or 1st Baking Apprentices around here.

She wanted to know why she was waiting on a apprentice that doesn't exist who was behind another apprentice that doesn't exist.  I told her that her new position in the Official Baking Apprentice Hierarchy was much better than her old 3rd Baking Apprentice position.  This seemed to perk her up and with, tail wagging mightily, she laid down at her Master's feet fo fall asleep.

Wait till she finds out her new position requires her to feed an water herself from now on :-) 

Lucy wants to thank you for her promotion and let you know that, since she is near royalty now, only a gold and purple ribbon will do from now on!

Happy Baking Sylvia


and would love one of those fine baguettes you made as a treat.  Take it from me, it is best to just ignore her and hope she goes away without her eating the leather furniture just for sport and giggles.

Happy baking Varda