Pane de Altadura.


Today we made Pane de Altadura for the second time.

It ended up rather flat. Any ideas on how to fix that?

Made with this recipe:

White Sour Starter (firm) 71%
Semolina Flour                100%
Water                               81%

*Final Dough*

Biga                                  34%
Semolina Flour                 100%
Water                                70%
Salt                                    3%

It was mixed on slow for around 12 minutes in a planetary mixer.
Bulk fermented for 3 hours with 3 folds.
Proofed for 1 hour
Baked on 250 for 10 minutes then 220 for 20 minutes.

I am getting a camera soon so I will be able to post some pictures but anyway it came out super flat so I will try again in the next few days and let you know what happens.



Ok gotcha,

We use a proofer to proof the bread. It is set on 29 Degrees Celsius and we try to control the humidity at 80% but it is a crappy old thing. We bake using a Rotel 2 Oven, its a big 8 door bread oven. We have to bake on metal trays, I use iron trays for the Altadura and we also have some other trays that are coated with silicone.


I looked at Leader's formula for this bread.  He also uses 70% hydration but no biga.  You may want to look at his process to see if there is anything you want to try out for your bread. 


If you google for 


you  will get to the process description by the EU regulation commission.

Their processuses 20% biga, bulk rise "At least" 90 min, second rise 30 min. third (!) rise 15 min

They don't give a proofing temperature, but state a water temperature of 15C.

I used the process outlined there a few times with good success.

I hope this helps,


You list semolina flour as the final dough ingredient. Pane di Altamura should be made with fine durum flour, not the coarser semolina. That makes a big difference in the dough consistency and gluten structure.

For reference, there are numerous videos on of the process and appearance of bread made in Altamura. The loaves have enough strength to proof without the support of a basket. 

Happy baking!



Thankyou David and Juergen, both of your comments helped me out a lot.

I will look into where I can get some Durum flour and try again. I would like to make it the traditional way so those guidelines will help.

Happy Baking yall.