And my Pastry class continues. Last weekend ,we’ve started the cookies/cakes class with a theory lesson for half the day on cakes, batters, and creaming/foaming techniques and trouble shooting cakes. This particular lesson will be split into 4 classes. Here is a picture of the cookies made by all of the class (Mine and my team mate's are the ones on the cooling rack; they were uneven and somewhat ragged).
During my last visit to the supermarket, I’ve picked up a flour that has stirred my curiosity for a while. It is the latest addition to Waitrose’s line of organic flours. I wanted to try it in some recipe, and what better than my Trusty Whole wheat multigrain.
I’v used cornmeal, flaxseeds, and Dark Rye bran for the hot soaker. my main deviation from Hamelman’s recipe was to use ½ a teaspoon of instant yeast in the final dough, instead of 1, and retarding the dough for 24 hours. The dough was mixed at 5:00 pm the day before yesterday, and at 5:00 pm yesterday it was removed from the fridge to be shaped and baked.
The bread is good, with solid multigrain flavors, though not sweet as the non retarded one. The reason I’ve added the yeast into the final dough, was that I had suspicions about the health of my levain. My White liquid sourdough starter has collapsed completely when I wanted to creat a levain fom it, which could have been bad to the yeast health in the levain. I now believe that my worries were exaggerated.
- Mebake's Blog
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Khalid, What a great thing to learn the theory and practice of cakes. Looking forward to seeing some of the results. As always your whole grain efforts come out better than they should. Which Hamelman recipe are you referring to? Great to be able to experiment with high quality flours. -Varda
thanks, Varda!
This is Hamelman's recipe: whole wheat multigrain From his book Bread.
I'll be posting about my cakes classes. I'm looking forward to them too.
Thanks for the nice words.
Delicious loaves and yummy cookies, too. :)
Thank you Annie!
Gorgeous multigrains! What more can I say about them? :)
Also, looking forward to more of your pastries. If you can bake them as well as your breads, they would certainly be worth sharing.
Thanks, Zita :)
I wish pastry is as simple and therapeutic as bread making; too many dishes to clean! But, almost always, the end result is worthwhile.
Your multigrain loaves look amazing as always, Khalid. I think being cautious with a suspicious levain is a good idea. I can't tell you how many loaves I have ruined by ignoring the signs that my levain wasn't at its best.
Best wishes,
Thanks, Marcus!
The starter was healthy, and so was the levain. I Knew that when i scooped a dollop of the starter after it has collapsed, smelled it and poured it. The starter didn't flow freely, which is a good sign, nor it smelled too vinegary. I was being slighty paranoid.
a little strange I call it .....'Rustic' . Now i know when cookies come out an little differnet then they should.... i can call them 'Ragged' :-)
Your whole grain bread looks teriffic as usual. Nice spring, boldly baked and an open crumb. Just what the baker was looking for. Well done.Khalid .
I just borrowed the word "Ragged", i didn't know how else to describe them.
Thank you my friend.
Really nice loaf and delicious looking cookies.
Thanks, Floyd!
Pastry seems to be coming are a bread baker :) It is YOU ! You have a gift ....I hope you are able to pursue it as a career if that is what you want. c
Yeah, very true. But, one needs to know some pastry to survive in this sugar-aholic world.
Thanks for the encouragement, caroline!
The multi grain looks a great loaf, nice to find a new flour and then to have great results from it too. You should send some pictures to the manufacturer, they may be pleased enough to send you some free samples of their range of products, they are often pleased to hear from customers especially when they are not complaints! but compliments.
kind regards Derek
Thanks, Derek!
The flour performed as expected, a whole wheat pastry flour. I'd have to try in a pie crust to really savor its qualities.
Much appreciated,
I'm with Caroline regarding the superiority of your multi-grain loaves. They are perfect, to my eye.
I appreciate your kind words.
David and I can make pastries and cookies all you like...but if you want to really get in to this to make a living and feed your soul, then go with your innate are a bread man...and that is meant as the highest compliment. c
I will. Thanks for your enouragement, Caroline.
Hi Khalid,
The mult-grain crumb is perhaps the best I've seen. Well done!
David G
Thanks, David!
Were are you lovely posts? been missing them lately. I hope you are doing well.
All is well with me. I've only been doing my routine weekly baking of "cast-in-stone" formulae--with the exception of tweaking a rye bread formula. It's "final" results will be my next post, soon.
Incidentally, I'm getting a few new pictures printed in large format this week, your online painting you shared with me is among them. I'll send you a snapshot once it's hung on the wall.
David G
Love the expression "cast in stone"! yiu should have mastered it by now. And i 'm eagerly waiting for you rye post.
Thanks David for being so supportive of amateurs like me. This news makes me want to lift my photoshop stylus once again.
Hi Khalid,
I hope you have fun at your pastry class, learning about cakes and cookies.
The cookies pictured are so pretty, and look very appetizing, with all of the colors and textures.
Your multigrain bread looks just perfect and has a very beautiful crumb!
:^) breadsong
Thanks, Breadsong!
What a lovely thing to say from a bread artist like you!
in Dubai.
And what you do with them is outstanding!
I am with you about the many dishes when making pastry...
The black and white cookies look very neat.
Bake on!
Yeah, despite the high price tag, i had to try those "english" flours in bread; the inspiration comes from Andy's lovely breads made from locally grown flours.
Thanks Juergen!
Not much else I can add but just beautiful bread and tempting cookies as well.
Look forward to your continuing adventures with cakes and pastry.
Thank you Ian!
I've started the 1st cake class yesterday, it was interesting.