Cheap "Bread" by Hamelman - 2nd edition (UK)

Profile picture for user Ruralidle

Hamelman's book is a favourite of many bakers and it has just been released in the UK in its 2nd edition.  Amazon are offering it - in hardback - at a bargain price

My copy has just arrived and it looks really good.  I haven't tried any of the recipes yet but I will do soon.  It seems such good value that I also bought a copy for my daughter, who lives in London.  The benefits of living in a city generally elude me but her copy was delivered late Saturday and she baked a recipe before going to work on Monday morning!  My copy didn't arrive until Monday lunchtime.

Yeah, that is pretty amazing.  Even with shipping it is cheaper to order from the UK site than from the US or Canadian site.

Mehr?  I couldn't find any information about shipping to the US - just stuff on EU VAT and delivery ...

While we're at it, is there an errata sheet for this edition? seems to be dead and I could only find errata sheets for the previous version.


Thanks for the heads up.  Have just ordered a copy from Amazon UK .. saved about $A17 than would have cost from US Amazon.

Very helpful.


the New Bread is $22.97 at Amazon's sellers (other than Amazon itself) with $3.99 for shipping.

Why would it be cheaper getting it from the UK ?

Enquiring Minds in Maryland want to know  ;)

Your'e quite correct Darwin.  The price has gone up dramatically and I wouldn't have bought one copy at the price, let alone two!!  Anyone who didn't act quickly has missed the boat.

AnnainMD, who is the author of the book you refer to.  You can check the UK price by going to

I hope that this time the recipes are also written in grams. This is something I absolutely hate in the first Edition, working with lbs and ounces unless I bake a huge amount and then directions are also given in kg.


I don't find it a problem, since all I have to do is switch the scale display to pounds/ounces instead of grams.  I prefer grams of course, but that level of accuracy is seldom necessary when baking a loaf or two.

Does your scale not have a dual display?

Anna, the recipes have a column for pounds and a separate column for kilograms for the bakery sized portions.  The home sized portion only has a column for pounds.  I just checked a few recipes, and the home sized column is 1 tenth of the bakery size, so it is easy to convert from bakery to home in grams, just move the decimal one place to the left.